2. It Looks Like You're High On Sugar

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"Alex ! Wake up !" William says, pushing me. I mentally groan and stretch my arms as to get some energy. I gaze at the house in front of the car : it is a simple cabin house, with red wood and the forest is right behind it. It seems peaceful, away from everyone and everything. I already like it.

"Alexandra ? Could you help your brother out, please ?" Billy asks me as Jacob comes to his side from the outside. I nod and take William out of the car. I also reach out for our luggages. As we walk towards the house, I can't stop myself and I look at my uncle and his son. Jacob holds his father and lifts him on a wheelchair. I didn't know that, I didn't remember it. I try not to let the surprise show, but William beats me to it.

"What ? You're in a wheelchair ?" he asks, excitement lighting his eyes. "Can I have one too, so we can do races ?" he says, running to our uncle and jumping up and down. Billy laughs and grabs him, putting his on his knees as they go in direction of the house. 

"Alexandra." says Jacob, startling me. "Come, I'll show you your room." I follow him inside. The kitchen is simple but practical, the living room is comfy... It has a lot of space which is a brutal change compared to the apartment we had in New York. 

We take the stairs and he leads me down the corridor. Opening the last door, he lets me in. The walls are the same green as the forest and there are multiple bookcases, empty. The bed is made of wood, ans as I sit on it I can tell it comes with a comfortable mattress. I tilt my head upwards and see a dark blue ceiling with stars on it. It's as if I were outside, looking at the night sky. The room is simply... breathtaking. But most importantly, it has everything I like. Which is strange because I don't recall saying anything about it. 

"How did you... know about all that ?" I ask, emotions taking over. 

"Your mom and my dad talked through the phone every once in a while. She told him everything about you and your brothers. We wanted to make you feel welcome, so... here you go !" he says, gesturing at the bedroom with a proud smile. "You know, I painted it. With the help of some of my friends."

"Thank you so much." I say, feeling grateful. "Thank you for letting us stay here." 

"No problem." I jump off the bed and ask where William is. Jacob tells me he is downstairs with Billy, who is showing him his room.  I walk downstairs and I suddenly hear William screaming of joy. I enter his room and I see games and stuffed animals. Will is running everywhere and as soon as he is near me, I grab his arm.

"Calm down buddy ! I swear, it looks like you're high on sugar." I mutter under my breath the last part.

"I swear, this is the first time that I had so much games for me ! First time !" he says, panting of exhaustion. I smile at him, understanding how fantastic it must be for a 9 years old to discover he doesn't have to share his toys.

"I'm so happy ! Uncle Billy said he will take me to the store next weekend to buy me a wheelchair ! Like that, we can race !" he tells me with an enthusiasm who is uncontrollable. 

"Really ?That's awesome ! Why don't you go outside and run with a goal around the house, huh ?" I play with his dark curly hair. He obeys me and leaves Billy and I alone.

"Billy, thanks for everything, but you know I can pay for William's stuffs, just tell me, okay ?" I state, not wanting us to be a burden for him

"Alexandra." he says as he wheels himself to me. "You do not owe me anything. I can afford the games and the wheelchair for William. It's nothing. I can also buy you books." he rolls out of the room and I follow closely behind. 

"No need to, I have enough money. But are you sure it's okay ?" I still ask, biting my lips because I don't know how to react properly. Should I accept the offer or should I take a job and try paying for school all by myself ? And for William's toys ? 

"I swear, there's no need for you to work aside. You should be able to live your life, you're a teenager !" he punches lightly on my arm, trying to act like a person of my age, which doesn't really work. "I also promised your mother I would help you, so don't worry about the money." 

"Thank you so much. When does school start ?" I ask, reassured that we're going to be alright.

"On Monday, so that means tomorrow. Lucky you, Jacob is in the same class as you and can introduce you to his friends." Billy tells me. "I should start dinner. Do you like fish ?" 

I mumble a response as I think of tomorrow. It's a new year, a new city, possibly new friends... I hope it's going to work out, I hope we'll be okay.

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