Blue on Blue

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Sebastian Royals 27 years old at the top

***Mark's POV***

I watch the exchanges of glances and smiles perpetrated between Mak and Grey. I am blissfully happy for the two. My heart stirs a very small, almost invisible, pang of jealousy.

Every word whispered and kiss stolen is enchanting. The love radiates between the two like static electricity, threatening to spark a flame at any moment. They truly look stunning.

They balance the attention between one another and me. We talk and banter while we drink. Our attention spans across the bar of displays that host various sports and shows.

Someone initiates music from the jukebox and songs float thru the smokey bar air. Grey stands from his barstool and grabs Mak's hand, leading him to the empty dance floor sitting off to the side of the bar. Mak smiles gleefully and follows behind his boyfriend.

I stare dreamily as I watch their bodies meet together.

Grey pulls Mak tightly into his chest and wraps his own arm around Mak's waist. He clasps their intertwined fingers against his heart, between the two of them. His head is rested against Mak's forehead and you can read the words of the song gracefully chanting from Grey's lips. Mak's arm is draped over Grey's shoulder clutching the leather between his fingers.

They look as if no one exists outside of the two of them. They sway gently from side to side, lost in the moment. Patrons are entranced in their moment, privately enjoying the display.

My show is abruptly disturbed by a presence sliding beside me.

I look up and cock an eyebrow as I take in the figure that has interrupted my vision.

He's tall, tan and absolutely stunning. His eyes are a piercing ice blue and highlighted by perfectly sculpted black brows. His skin is the color of creamy coffee and he has the sexiest smile I have ever seen.

Everything in my body is awakened at the sight before me. If I was bi-curious before, I am completely interested now. I want to touch his tattooed skin and run my fingers against the silky skin highlighting his cheek bones.

I just stare. Unashamed and wordless, I stare.

"I came over to ask you for a dance." The sexy man whispers thru his plump, bubblegum tinted lips. He tilts his head to the side, captivating me in his orbs.

Without pause, I rise from my seat and take his outstretched hand. My fingertips sizzling at the contact of our skin. I follow blindly in the direction of the dance floor.

He leads me beside Grey and Mak.

Grey lifts his eyes off of Mak and smiles brightly at me. I wink towards him and snap my attention back to the alluring stranger that is wrapping his arms around the small of my back.

I wrap both my hands around each of his hulking biceps. The feel of the engorged muscles raking pleasure thru my torso. He pulls me closer and begins to sway. My mind is wrapped up in his beauty and my senses are stricken by his scent.

Oh God he smells like raw masculinity and desire.

"What's your name, handsome?" He speaks lowly in a deep husky voice that stirs my body into a fit of fire. His eyes not moving off of my own.

"Mark." I whisper. His dominant presence is overwhelming and my nerves are screaming out a distinct form of bashfulness. It's odd and completely off from my boisterous nature.

"Sebastian." He winks and I feel like my legs are going to buckle.

Fucking hell.

We dance in sync, rocking slowly from side to side. Our eyes completely lost on one another. I bite my lip continuously while trying to wrap my head around the lust that is clouding rational thoughts.

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