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***Grey's POV***

Mak and I had come full circle after my bout with stupidity. I showered him with all the love and attention he deserved. I continuously reinforced my deep emotions that tethered our souls together as one. The pull to be near him had become so intense, the strings of my soul felt physically tensioned.

Weeks went on and a nagging, repetitive feeling of urgency latched on to my soul. Mark has become reclused. He tried and failed too many times to withdraw from our group. We practically dragged him out of bed. At night, Mak and I stood guard at his door as he whimpered in his sleep.

Whatever pushed Mark and Sebastian together was pulling desperately at his soul with the absence of a man he didn't know he loved.

Mak had repeatedly told me he hit dead ends on every avenue he searched for Sebastian. We had talked about it so often it felt like beating a dead horse. Dad has tried as well. But, neither were capable of tracking down the famous model.

Every moment that passed proved that Mark was indeed consumed by pain associated with his missing soul mate. It was physically painful to watch him struggle with his feelings of loss. Depression lurked and we tried aggressively to fight off the demons waiting to consume Mark.

We did our best to occupy our friend. The five of us became inseparable, more so than usual. We went out on the town. We watched games at home. We spent evenings at the gym, or at the local basketball courts shooting hoops.

In the moment, Mark seemed fine. But, as his best friend I could feel the deep pain that seared through my friend's broken heart. He searched and scanned the crowds whenever possible, as if Seb would materialize and soothe his tattered wounds.

When Mark did sleep it was in short bursts, often awakening in a pool of sweat. We would change his sheets and coax him to join us instead for something that resembled fun. After much manipulation he would comply, somewhat reluctant to leave the cocoon of his loneliness.

Mark was tired and sluggish. His mood was becoming one of irrationality and pessimism.

I threatened intervention, fully intending on following thru if the situation continued to develop.

I know I had no right to silently judge, I really wasn't. My worry and love for my friend was so overwhelming that I tried and failed to come up with anything to comfort his lost soul. We all love him so god damned much. We missed the guy who had carelessly bartered his heart to one Sebastian Fucking Royals.

Sebastian had branded Mark with a personal possessive emblem. Mark no longer belonged to himself. I had almost wished he would go back to his playboy ways, using women and throwing them away.

Fortunately, he was in no shape to fulfill my idiocy. He ate, lived and breathed all things Royal. He needed that man like oxygen. Without him, he was aspirating.

My morning started off in the usual way. I stood over the counter, carefully assembling our little family's breakfast. Mak manned the coffee maker, like normal. Attentively, my love made five cups of the best home brewed coffee. I don't know what he did to that shit. All I know is it was superb.

I plated the delicious Belgium waffles. Mark loves the things. He smiles like a kid on Christmas on site.

Mark comes stumbling to the table.

I watch as his swollen eyes tiredly search for the coffee he knows will be placed before him.

Mak lovingly sets his coffee down in front of Mark before placing his soft hand on Mark's cheek. The look of pity that fills his hazel eyes is not lost on me. The boy just has a soft spot for his friends. We are all lucky enough to be among those he loves.

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