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***Mak's POV***

"Baby. Mom's down stairs. Go. She hates waiting." I run towards Grey and shush his words with my lips.

"I love you Daddy." I kiss him quickly and grab my phone.

"Text me." I hear him call out as I run towards the front door.

I'm running late. Because Grey and I were busy.

I skid to a halt in front of the elevator and press the button frantically.

Once I'm finally outside our penthouse, I take a second to breathe.

"Mak honey. You didn't have to run." Amelia gives me a hug and leads me to her SUV. I get in the passengers side and she gets behind the wheel.

"Grey made me late." I huff out.

"Mhmmm. Just Grey. Believable." Amelia giggles. I blush.

"What are we doing first?" I ask. I pull out my planner and start looking over my ideas.

"We have to stop by the venue to get a visual." I nod to her words. Good idea.

We pull up to Central Park. She walks us to the garden where the fountain sits. I smile as I look at it. It's perfect.

"You two can say your vows directly in front of it. Here." Amelia points while walking. She stops where Grey will stand.

I follow and look out over what will be the witnesses.

"Will it be too loud?" I ask. I worry.

"No honey. We are setting up an arch, so that will combat the flow of water." I nod again. She literally thought of everything.

"White chairs?" I ask. I bite my thumb and turn to her for her input.

"My suggestion yes." She smiles and I smile back. I give confirmation that we're on the same page.

"The aisle? Material or grass?" I think about it while she decides.

"Material. Whatever color you prefer." She gives me a choice.

"If I go white that will allow the flower petals to show." I look to her for a yes or no.

"White is fine baby. It's a good idea." I nod again.

"Where are we holding the after party?" I think it's at a hotel but, I keep forgetting.

"The Pierre. It has a gorgeous Dining Room. See." She pulls her phone out and a room for for two princes presents itself.

"Yes. Oh wow." I click through the pictures and find nothing that isn't perfect.

"Next destination?" I'm ready to keep on track. We have a lot to do.

"Cake tasting. Grey likes chocolate so he passed on the tasting." We walk back to the car and I write down the details we already discussed.

She stops off at a bakery that looks older than dirt. It's in downtown. When you walk in, you can taste the confection sugar in the air.

"Right on time. Amelia. I'm so happy to see you." A sweet older lady comes up and kisses both of Amelia's cheeks.

"You must be the Groom. Oh my. So adorable. Come. Come." She carries us off to a kitchen where a slew of fresh cakes lay in wait.

"Any flavor that is a definite no?" She puts on gloves and hands me a piece of cake. Amelia takes one as well.

"Nothing complicated. Classic please. Peanut butter is a no go." I push the fork into my mouth and my eyes roll.

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