S2E01: Part 2

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Bailey POV

"You've made a real life for yourselves here." Warren said when they'd finished eating.

"Please, have some more." The mother said offering second helpings, well, they were more like third and fourth helpings.

"No, thank you." Warren replied kindly, "I've eaten so much already, my body doesn't know what the hell is going on." She said and Bailey chuckled as Warren turned to her, "We haven't had real food for weeks, we were about to give ourselves up for dead."

"We've all been there." The mom said as Sarah got up and gave Warren another hug.

"We should be going soon." Bailey said, "We still have two more of our group out there, and they'll be worrying." She said remembering the look on 10K's face when she left him.

"All right then, we can pack you some provisions." The father offered kindly.

"I can help you." Sarah said to Bailey as she and her brother began clearing the leftover food from the table. The phrase seemed so foreign to Bailey, leftover food, she hadn't had leftover food in three, maybe four years now. Rationed food she did have but real you-ate-until-you-couldn't-eat-anymore-and-still-had-food-to-spare leftovers was new to her.  They packed up the bread and anything else that wouldn't go bad quickly before Sarah insisted on doing Bailey's hair. When she had a fresh French braid Sarah went to go read to her brother and Bailey went to find Warren. She was with Sarah's father who was showing her a map of Colorado.

"All right, from what I've heard, everything west of this line here is a no-go zone." He said marking the map, "And there's more fallout here. . .  and over here."

"And I think that's the tunnel where we crashed so that would put my friends somewhere around here." Warren said pointing at the map.

"That's a two day hike, a little less if you go over the mountain."

"Got it." She said folding it up and tucking it away.

"Come back and tell us how it turns out." Sarah asked when they were just about ready to go, "Promise?"

"Promise." Warren said giving the girl her pinkie. Bailey smiled and gave her a hug before picking up the extra backpack and her messenger bag and following Warren out the door and onto the porch.

"Good luck with that Murphy fellow." The dad said to them. Bailey made her way down the steps as Sarah's mother thanked Warren for saving her girl, then they both left the cabin.


Mack and Addy were helping Doc gather his stuff, doing the most they could so he didn't irritate his injured shoulder. Doc's attention was only half there, the other half was on 10K. His eyes kept darting to the sniper who was standing on a car with his rifle in his hands.

"They said leave after forty eight hours." Doc called to him in reminder.

"Just a little while longer." 10K called back not even turning to acknowledge the others. His eyes kept sweeping the valley for Bailey and Warren. They were going to come back, he knew they would. He'd seen them both survive through thick and thin, they'd come back. That thought kept repeating in his head as he tried to keep out the little voice that kept rephrasing it and saying, she'd come back. He bit his lip thinking about when she'd kissed him in the tunnel, it brought a lot of questions to his mind and he didn't want to think that something terrible had happened to her and he'd never get the chance to get answers. Then he heard feet on metal and a moment later Addy had climbed up the car next to him. She rested her hand on his right shoulder and he resisted the urge to shrug it off.

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