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"Flashlight, no batteries." Doc said as they took inventory, "Half a bottle of aspirin. Well I got no ammo. Found this." He said holding up a crowbar.

"I got two batteries and four bullets." Warren said adding it to their pile on the hood of the car.

"Let me see those batteries." Bailey said and Warren passed them to her.

"I got two in my gun and two randoms and those." Addy said tossing stuff from her pockets.

"You got gum?" Warren asked and everyone looked up like she just said Addy had a Costco sized supply of cereal.

"For repair purposes only." Addy said sternly.

"Remember fresh breath?" Doc asked and Addy groaned as he exhaled.

"Couple of bullets. " Vasquez said unloading his stuff, "Road flares."

"I got one empty clip." 10K said sadly plopping it down.

"You know what. See if these fit." Addy said taking her randoms and passing them across to him and he loaded them into his clip.

"I've got rope." Bailey said between 10K and Vasquez, pulling out what remained of 10K's noose which she'd untied and neatly folded up, "A handful of assorted meds I got from Burrtown," she pulled out a plastic baggie, "My notebook, handheld radio, a water bottle with maybe a sip. . . or two left and a very crushed granola bar. . . wrapper."

"Might be able to use the notebook to make a fire later tonight." Vasquez suggested.

"Try and I will kick your ass back to Cheyenne Wyoming." Bailey snapped at him, "You want to make a fire? Use your clothes and go the rest of the way to California naked."

"That eager to see me naked huh?" Vasquez replied smirking.

She scoffed, "Please, there's only one guy in this group I'd want to see and it ain't you Javier." She said putting her hands on the hood as 10K blushed and looked down at the clip in his hand.

"Okay, okay enough." Doc said raising his hands, "I know I'm a chick magnet, it's a curse." He said as if Bailey had meant him and they all laughed.

"Okay." Warren said as the laughter calmed down, "I know this looks shaky, but we will find a way to get Murphy to California."

"Well I'm hungry." Doc said going over to where Murphy was in the back seat, "Hey Sleeping Beauty." He called waking him up, "Help me find some lunch. Nuts, fruit, edible tree bark." He said and Murphy looked less than impressed but went with Doc anyway.

"Let me see that." 10K said walking around the car and Addy stepped aside to let him check the map.

"He is Nature Boy after all." Bailey said before anyone could question 10K's ability to navigate. He looked up from the map as she made her way around the back of the car and smirked at her remembering her nickname for him when they were hiding in the morgue way back when.

"I'm your Nature Boy." He said softly for only her to hear as she leaned next to him on the car and it was her turn to smirk.

"Yes you are." She said leaning in and kissing him, it didn't last long though, Addy was right there and started snapping her fingers in their faces.

"Hey, hey. Enough of that."

"Yes, Mom." 10K said turning back to the map and Addy rolled her eyes.

"Oh, it won't kill you two to save it until our next stop, maybe once we find some food, water, shelter or fuel?" she said bringing them back to the situation at hand. They didn't have much and California was still a ways away – further now that they had to go around all the land poisoned from nuke radiation.

Fracking Apocalypse - a ZNation 10K/Tommy FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now