S2E15: Part 2

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S2E15: Part 2

The others got to work getting the bodies out of Aunties and piling them outside.

"Where's Bailey?" Warren asked brushing her hands on her pants after dumping a body.

Addy sighed, "She hasn't moved off the front porch." She said turning to her friend who was still sitting on the steps staring at the road where she'd last seen 10K.

"Someone should talk to her." Addy said knowing both her and Warren knew what Bailey was dealing with, but before either could take a step toward her heavy gunfire started out of nowhere, the others all ducked behind cars in the parking lot while Bailey dove inside Auntie's. She got up and peered between the wood planks that covered the window. There were people all over the hillside shooting, all of them in skeleton masks – Zeros.

"Warren." She heard La Reina's voice call. Then the shooting picked up again. There was no way she could get to the others who were ducked behind cars without getting shot herself. Then Auntie rushed past her.

"Cover me dearie!" she called and Bailey grabbed her gun. Auntie stepped out onto the porch just as the Zeros came charging down the hill. She began firing her gun shooting off several rounds a second and Bailey provided as much cover as she could.

"Everybody inside!" Auntie called to the others who took the opportunity to run into the building. When they were all in Vasquez closed and locked the door.

"How the hell did they find us!?" he shouted.

"Ammo. Who's got what?" Warren asked.

"I'm good. Doc?" Addy said.

"Well I'm okay but I left my bag out there. I don't know how far I'm gonna be able to huck the damn crowbar."

"I have half a clip." Bailey said checking.

"I'm out." Vasquez said, "Without range, this cover won't do us much good."

"Well, if you'd just asked nicely. . ." Auntie said pulling a beer tap and a wall of weapons dropped from the ceiling behind her.

"Well aren't you full of surprises?" Doc said with a smile in his voice.

"Well, I'm a little low on ammo. But I think we can give 'em hell in the meantime." Auntie said still smiling. They each grabbed some of her weapons and divided the ammo. Bailey reloaded her handgun, grabbed a shotgun, and a standard automatic rifle.

"All right let's rock and roll." Doc said cocking his gun.

"The fact that they haven't started beating down these doors yet worries me more than if they just kept attacking." Warren said moving to the window and peering through the boards, "Mindless mayhem we can handle. Whatever the hell they're planning, I'm not so sure."


He was in and out of consciousness as they carried him through the thin halls of the sub. One guy had his upper body while another guy had his legs. They twisted him as they turned corners and it made the pain even worse going from agonizing to excruciating. Part of him just wanted to pass out so it wouldn't hurt anymore, another part reminded him if he lost consciousness he may not wake up again. He wanted Bailey, he wanted her holding his hand, running her fingers through his hair. He felt metal under him and realized they must have put him on an operating table.

"Young male." Came the doctor's voice, "A single large caliber gunshot wound to the abdomen. Pulse weak, irregular. He's lost a lot of blood."

"Is he gonna be okay?" he heard Murphy ask and wondered if he'd started hallucinating. Since when did Murphy give a shit about him?

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