●You Are Not Just 'some Guy'●

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*.·:·.✧ ✦ ✧.·:·.*

This is not something big to be shy.

Yet, here V is standing outside Yoongi's apartment with red face and racing heart. And all of this just because of a hug??

 And all of this just because of a hug??

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Taehying's pov-

"R-Really?? You will help me?", yoongi asked surprised, like he has just witnessed the most unusual thing in the world.

I just nodded, not knowing what else to say. "yoon! You don't have your phone with you. Do you?? Won't your parents be worried??" jimin said making me think the same. "No. They don't know I am out, I don't live with my parents.".

"then??hostel?" I asked, knowing all well it was going to be the next question jimin is planning to ask.

"Nah! Flat. I live alone" yoongi told.

"then you make your own food?" jimin asked, excited about mention of food.

"yes! And I make decent food. That can be consumed by humans" he said, smiling softly to himself.

"Woah! You must be good cook.i would love to try your cooking "jimin said, yawning tiredly.

" sure! Someday",yoongi said looking at the balcony checking the rain condition, and he suddenly stood on his feet.

"We Must Leave! The Rain Has Slowed Down", he informed urgently . I looked outside to find the same.

"you're right. Let's go.". I said with apathy, not wanting him to leave.

"but what about my clothes? They are still wet" he asked looking at me, as jimin was already asleep.

"I will return them to you" an almost sleeping jimin said raising his both hands.

"Bye! jimin" yoongi said before jimin pulled him on his bed to hug. And now both of them are laying on jimin's bed cuddling and yoongi is looking at me with pleading eyes.

I rolled my eyes and pulled yoongi up, about which jimin mumbled some incoherent words and went back to sleep.

We were walking on the silent side walk at almost 4:30 am alone. Something, that I always wanted to do, walking with someone on silent sideways, holding hands.

Upon realizing it, I felt a sudden urge to hold Yoongi's tiny hands, something that I rejected earlier because of my stupid anger.

It took me everything to restrain myself from holding his hands.

I was in deep thought when a bunch of fingers brushed with mine, giving me sparks.

Both of us stopped for some miliseconds, trying to register what is happening. "sorry" yoongi mumbled Softly.

and we continued walking not wanting to make the situation awkward.

What was he sorry for?? For giving me the most amazing feeling? I wanted to laugh at innocence of this boy.

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