●Unexpected Gift●

710 31 27

*.·:·.✧ ✦ ✧.·:·.*

Yoongi woke up groaning when he heard his alarm went off. And his hand quickly went forward to turn that obnoxious sound off.

But something restricted him from doing that, it felt like he was tied up to the bed. His head snapped downward quickly, only to find two strong and honey toned arms wrapped around his tiny waist, making it impossible for him to even make any movement.


e tried to remove them but They only got tighter around his waist, With an annoyed groan. making it hard for him to even breath but to his luck the alarm turned off itself.

And he closed his eyes, the comfort and warmth making him ready to be engulfed in the sleep again. But, something clicked in his head and his eyes snapped open.

It has been eternity since his eyes were dying to see sleeping taehyung. Even that day too when they shared the bed for the first time , he didn't get a chance to see him sleeping as he left before yoongi could even wake up.

He tried to turn his head to look at him but it was of no use, as only his pillow was visible from that angle . His started wiggling in Taehyung's hold, to make it loosen up a bit.

And it did lose up a bit, making yoongi turn around immediately . He was a way too curious to look how taehyung would look early in the morning. As his eyes fall on taehyung, an amused smile spread on his lips.

There he was, sleeping peacefully. His chest
rising and falling in a rhythm. Eyes closed , making him even more innocent and fluffy. Yoongi's hand travelled to his soft hair and he started to play with it's dark locks slowly, careful about not waking him up.

He just couldn't believe he is the same rude senior, he met on his first day of college. The same person who he never thought he would get a chance to talk with .

Now, look how it is.. Its really surprising how it started and how it ended up. His fingers then moved to his cheek, caressing it slowly with his thumb. He was loving how their skin were contrast yet so similar.

His thumb then went to his closed eye, caressing the eyelid slowly. Then, it ended up on his lower lip, somehow . Yoongi had no idea what he was doing? And why he was doing that..

He raised his head a bit and stretched his upper body like a crane, to come parallel to Taehyung's face.

If right now I would steal a kiss.. Wouldn't I be the smartest person on earth? He thought as he inched closer, his eyes still glued on the sleeping figure in front of him.

"Make it fast~I cannot pretend to sleep for longer~" he heard taehyung whine and he jumped away from him and glared at the man looking at him with half hooded eyes.

"why didn't you tell me you were awake? Idiot" he grumbled, throwing the pillow at taehyung. As he missed the chance to become the smartest person.

Taehyung's hand wrapped around his neck, pulling him closer and he placed a peck on his lips. "Good morning to you too~well I just wanted to find out what's going on inside my kitten's head, that's why I didn't tell you" taehyung smirked which made Yoongi's cheeks paint pink.

He picked up the nearest object, which turned out to be a tshirt. "here, dress yourself. Don't talk nonsense" he said shoving the tshirt in Taehyung's face.

And taehyung did what he has been told because he was actually cold,as it was still last winter.

"get freshen up.. I'll cook something for you" yoongi offered but he was too late as a fully dressed taehyung was already laying on the bed and he was pulled too.

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