Chapter 25

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Where am I?

Where am I?

I ran away from the thugs that attacked me but I didn't know where I was heading. This place seems huge but it shouldn't be that bug should it?

I stopped to catch my breath and look around. It shouldn't be that far away, right?

I hoisted myself on top of a boulder to get a better look at where I'm going. I didn't want to risk getting caught earthbending by my peers now that I'm in a safer situation.

I got a better view of the area.

It was chaotic.

Every area had so much activity. Ahead of me was like a ruined city or something. I noticed some familiar explosions from inside.

So he's over there...

To my left was the plaza, looks like a huge fight was going on there. I hope everyone's okay.

I decide to go to a different area to help out my peers.

I know it looks like I'm avoiding the big fight but so many people are there. What difference will I make? Sure I'm the Avatar but I still have a lot to learn.




As I lead my classmates back to the entrance I caught a glimpse at the plaza.

All Might was here, and he was fighting this grotesque bird thing, he currently had it in a suplex but it looked like the portal man has a play in it. Some of my classmates were in the plaza itself and the rest of us were watching from the top of the stairs.

I decided I should probably step in to help. I jump from the top of the stairs and while still in the air I take the water that was nearby and surf down, running the water from underneath me to freeze the monster as someone else's ice came into view and did the same.

I ground myself as I see All Might break free. Izuku and Shoto were there now.

As I stood before the villains who definitely want to hurt us, I began to feel my adrenaline. I know it's not a good time but thoughts ran through my head.

What do I do?

I'm the Avatar I should do something.

Protect my classmates.

Stay calm.

All Might's here it's fine.


I was too focused on the villains in front of me I didn't see the portal creeping behind me until I started sinking.

"Oh not again!" I exclaimed and attempted to pull myself out. Shoto quickly held out his hand for me and I gladly took his help.

A familiar yell came into hearing range and Katsuki just flies from out of nowhere and attacks the smoke guy. He managed to pin him down by figuring out his weak point.

Some more talking is done by this guy with hands all over him and the bird monster breaks itself and regenerates. A long battle between All Might and what is called the "Nomu".


woo All Might fight fight (I don't wanna describe the fight)


The pro heroes are here.

Iida managed to get out and get to the pro heroes.

The Nomu was contained. The smoke guy and the hand guy managed to slip away though.

Izuku and All Might were taken to the infirmary.

The teachers escort the rest of us, students, back to the main school building.

They tell us to get our stuff and that we are free to go home and rest for the rest of the day.

I reached the end of the stairs before stopping.

Just like that?

Sent home just like that?

"Oi, what are you doing just standing there like that?" I hear a voice say next to me.

Katsuki was a little bit ahead of me staring me down.

"Um, nothing," I say and shake my head as I begin walking Katsuki follows.

We walk in silence as I get lost in my thoughts. My adrenaline still hasn't worn off completely, I take a deep breath to try to calm my nerves.

I broke the silence, "They didn't even say anything to us." Katsuki looks at me with his usual gaze.

"We came into contact with real villains who intended on seriously hurting us and they just send us home as nothing happened? " I express.

"Tsk doesn't matter, we are in a hero school. Heroes fight villains if you can't handle it maybe you're not cut out." He comments.

I sigh, I didn't feel like commenting on his statement. My adrenaline wore off and I started to feel drained.

I hear Katsuki scoff and he grabs my hand walking towards the convenience store. He leaves me outside and goes in. He comes back out with the energy drink he always gets me and shoves it in my face. (I don't want any comments on how that is phrased)

"Take it. You look pathetic."

I grab it and take a few sips. "Thanks, you didn't have to."

"Tsk" He begins walking again, "Don't fall behind, I won't wait for you."

"How sweet of you," I say sarcastically as I walk with him.


When Katsuki dropped me off at home I went straight to my room after giving a greeting to my parents and saying that my day was tiring.

I flopped onto my bed and began to think some more.

I felt useless today.

I was worrying too much about hiding my abilities and limited myself too much.

I could've done more.

I can't go on hiding like this when I'm supposed to do so much for this world.

I need to stop hiding.

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