Chapter 21

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Katsuki and I made it to school and when we got there, there were a bunch of people in front of the gate.

They seemed to be reporters. I have a little thing with large crowds of people. I don't like them.

I took a deep breath as Katsuki made a path for the both of us.

But we were bombarded with cameras and reporters in our faces.

They mentioned something about him being "the sludge kid" and he seemed pretty ticked about that comment.

He told them off in a vague threat. And continued walking as they backed off.

I tried to follow him but the reporters cut me off.

"What about you miss? Do you know how All Might is as a teacher?"

Adults surrounded me and I began to slightly panic.

"" I know I need to get better at dealing with situations like this but it's too early for this.

Some reporters are pushed aside and Katsuki grabs my hand.

"I said get lost!" He says-well I guess you could call it yelling.

He pulls me past the people and past the gate.

I sighed in relief
"Thanks Bakugou" I say with a smile.

"Tsk.... You really are helpless." He comments.




"You can let go of my hand now" I speak up.

He quickly recoils and practically ditches me. Presumably out of embarrassment.

I laughed to myself as I kept my pace and headed inside to class.

I got to class and everyone was there. I went over to Izuku and Ochaco. We talked about the media outside for a bit, then class started and we al went to our seats.

Mr. Aizawa talked about the combat training yesterday and his evaluations. 

He mentioned Izuku and Katsuki then moved on.

"Now let's get down to business. Our first task will decide your future." Mr. Aizawa says.

That was very ominous. What are we doing now?

"You'll need to choose a class representative." He continues 

The class collectively sighed in relief. Then one by one, everyone in the class was yelling and raising their hands to be he representative. 

I guess it's a big deal.

I decided not to run for class rep cause I already have an idea who should be the rep.

"Silence everyone, please!" 

Speak of the devil, Tenya was able to quiet down the whole class.

He then  went to explain the duty of the class representative. Which everyone stayed quiet to hear. 

He suggested a voting system.

I think everyone noticed that he was shaking and that he also wanted the role. He of all people should want it the most.

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