Chapter 7

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It was a few days after I made my bending bunker and it has just been intense training with the respective breaks in between.
I was currently meditating before training like every morning.

After meditation, I went straight back to the bunker and practiced all forms of my bending. I practiced until my muscles felt like they were going to turn to jelly.

"Okay, maybe that's alright for today," I say to myself.

I exit my bunker, making sure no one sees me, and head inside to get a snack.

I walk in the kitchen and grab a banana and water. After my snack, I decide I need a shower after working out that hard.

My parents and watching TV about different heroes.
"Hey Mom, Dad" I call getting their attention. "Is it alright if I do out today?" I ask.

"Of course sweety why wouldn't it be alright?" My mom answered.

I gave a slight laugh, "Just asking, I'm going to take a shower first then I'll head out" I respond earning an "okay dear".

I take my shower and take a (bag/purse) with a couple of bottles of water, my phone, and some money if I see something worth buying.

I head out and decide to walk by the pathway of trees I saw a when I first walked around town.

It couldn't hurt to do a light jog right?

I went from walking to a jog as I reached the pathway.

Ahead of me, I saw something that looked like junk being dragged.

The person was moving slowly so I was able to catch up with whoever thought pulling a huge piece of junk was a good idea.

My question was answered when I was side by side with that very person or two people.

Izuku was pulling the big heap of junk and All Might was sitting on it.

Izuku looked like he was in pain.

" Hey I-" I remembered what Kastuki said, "-Midoriya "I greeted slowing my pace.

He didn't respond, but he did collapse.
" Midoriya!" I exclaimed. I stopped and kneeled to help him.

I brought his head up and rested it on my lap as I took out one of my water bottles and uncapped it.

"Uh,  sir, " I said to All Might, "what happened are you pushing him too much?" I ask.

I used water bending to bring some water out and coat my hand. I ran it over Izuku's torso and head,

"There is a lot of stress his body is going through, " I say, releasing the stress on his body-essentially healing him I guess.

"I don't know, the work out regimen should have been just enough for him to handle. Unless- Young Man, have you been overworking yourself?" All Might asked Izuku, who was gaining his strength again.

"I...need to work harder..if.I want to be as great as you..." Izuku responds.

He still hasn't opened his eyes, and he's still catching his breath. I was patient and didn't move until he had the strength to stand.

"How are you feeling now?" I ask him.

Izuku replies with a "Better, thanks". He opens his eyes and sees me. He then went red and jumped up with a yelp followed by covering his face with his arms.

" Well, it seems like your better now. " I chuckle and stood up. Not gonna lie, he looked adorable, flustered like that.

All Might lectured Izuku about overworking himself and all that. I listened in too because I kind of felt I was doing that to myself too.

After the lecture, All Might dismissed Izuku telling him to rest and not to go more than the workout routine he is on, and walked away.

"So, Midoriya-" I started, but Izuku interrupted

"Izuku." He said.

"Wh-what?" I questioned. I was confused.

"Call me Izuku. I know we aren't that close of friends, but I'm alright with you calling me Izuku." He says. Rubbing the back of his neck.

"Oh, okay then. Izuku, since you have the day off, wanna hang out? You need more water and maybe something to eat." I continued.

"W-what!?" He exclaimed. "W-why would you waste your day on me!? I-I mean I wouldn't mind it b-but-"

"Izuku. It's fine, we're friends now right?" I say with a smile.

"Huh...I guess so where to then?" He asks.

"I don't really know...I think I saw a place the other day that wasn't fast food. I could go for something to eat." I say laughing a little.

We started walking.

"Hey, you think I could work out with you from now on? It could make the process tolerable, things are always better when you do them with someone else." I say.

"That would be great!- oh um... I could ask All Might, but I'm sure he'll let you as long as it won't slow me down." Izuku responds.

"Nice! Then I could get my training out of the way too!" I say with a bright smile.

Izuku smiled too.

When we were a good distance away I used earth bending to move the junk Izuku was dragging.

We made our way down the pathway, chatting.

I know I got some facts wrong but eh.

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