Chapter 8

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After a nice healthy light lunch, Izuku seemed to feel better.

I was walking him home to make sure he didn't suddenly collapse on the way home.

-I also wanted to continue to hang out with him. I guess it's because I'm new and he's my first friend.

"So, how did you take my stress away from my body when I collapsed? Does it come with your quirk? " Izuku asks.

"I guess so. It's not all just manipulating water I am able to heal with water, like cuts, burns, and pain." I respond.

Izuku lit up "Wow! So you also have a healing quirk!?" He exclaimed. Then he began rambling about my "quirk" and I just let him.

I couldn't help but smile at his wonder and fascination as he talked.

We made it to his house and stopped at his gate.

"Well, I guess this is where I drop you off. Where and when do I meet you tomorrow for training? " I ask.

"Around 5 am at the beach where we met" Izuku respond. Every time I look at him, he always has a pink flush on his cheeks. I guess he just has a glow, it suits him.

"Okay, well I'll see you tomorrow then. Just rest for today and make sure you're drinking your water." I say with a wave as he walks inside.

Once he's in I make my way back home.
I was so busy talking to Izuku, I didn't realize we were close to my neighborhood.

I walked for a few minutes before it suddenly began to rain.

I don't know where it came from, it's almost like bad plot movement.

"What the-?! ARE YOU F*CKING KIDDING ME!?" I heard someone shout.

I turned the corner and saw none other than Katsuki.

By now the rain has soaked him and me but I wasn't worried.

I approached him.

"Hey Combustion Boy!" I say waving.

He shoots me a death glare. "What do you want!? F*ck off!!" He yells at me. "And don't call me that!!"

"Wow, is that how you greet the person who can get you dry and keep you that way till you get home?" I say with a slight smirk.

He was clearly mad but he thought about it.

"If you can do that why haven't you already!?" He shouts.

"Okay calm down, " I laugh and take all the water off him and myself. I also create a dome around us, preventing more rain to soak us. It was a little much but I was able to use one hand so I don't think it much.

Katsuki looked at the dome and mumbled a ""

"So let's get you home now. Or would you rather just stand her in awe?" I teased.

He seemed to flush in irritation. "Shut up!"

He began walking and I had to be kind of quick to keep up with him.

"Don't think I owe you anything. You're just like a servant." He says.

"Of course Master" I humor him with a joke. And he turns red and walks faster.

I started to lose the strength to hold the dome over both of us, but I couldn't just let him walk home soaking.

So I took the dome off of me and only kept him dry while the rain soaked me almost immediately.

He walked into the gates of I guessed his house.

I stayed out of the gates and continued to cover Katsuki until he walking in his home.

I released my hold on the dome and breathed a breath of relief. My arms felt so tired.

"See you around Ka-Er.Bakugou!" I say with a wave.

He looked back and he had a slightly startled look on his face, I guess he wasn't expecting me to let go if the water dome.

"Whatever.." He said rolling his eyes and shutting the door.

"Well, he's.....nice," I say to myself.

He was just down the street from me so it wasn't that long if a walk .

I got home and walked inside, completely soaked.

"Hey honey how was your day out- whoa the rain caught you huh? Oohh do the thing, do the thing!" My Mom greeted and fangirled.

My parents always get excited when I use my bending.
I take all the water from me and what i brought inside and sent it back out. (Yeet)

My mom's eyes sparkled. I laughed, took off my shoes and gave her a hug.

I walked with her to the living room and watched TV with her.

It felt nice to rest.

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