Chapter 19

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I knocked on the door.

A woman answered I'm assuming Katsuki's mom since she looks just like him.

"Good evening Mrs. Bakugou. I'm (Y/n) a friend of Katsuki's. Is he home?" I ask with a smile.

"Oh, yeah he is let me call him out. KASTUKI GET OUT HERE!" She turned and yelled.

"OI! WHAT IS IT, WOMAN!" I heard Katsuki yell back and come into view.

His mom moves out of the way and he sees me. "What do you want?" He says.

I walk in, take my shoes off, and approached Kastuki.

Then I smack him upside he head.

"Hey what the hell!" He exclaims.

"What the hell were you thinking today?! What is up with you?! I give you one job and you nearly failed! Why do you feel the need to do that?" I rant to him.

"Ooo I like this girl." I hear his mom comment. I didn't pay much attention to that right now I was just focused on Katsuki.

"What the hell do you mean?" He asked. Then he seemed to know what I was talking about.

He stormed out quickly putting his shoes on and grabbing my hand. He dragged me outside, grabbing my shoes on the way.

"H-hey!" I exclaim. I regained my balance and he threw me my shoes. As I was putting them back on he spoke up.

"Why the hell do care about today?" He asked.

"Because you could have seriously hurt Izuku! Thank goodness he was fine- but I just don't understand why it even got to that point! " I say.

He seemed really annoyed.

"I don't need to explain myself to you." He states.

"Well, Izuku is my friend so I feel like you do. Why do you dislike him?" I asked

That seemed to hit a nerve.

"Just shut up will ya! He's a worthless loser, who thinks he's so much better than me, he hid his quirk for years! Now drop it!" He yelled. But it felt different this time. He was extremely angry.

"What happened-"

"I SAID DROP IT!" He interrupts. I jumped a little.

"Ok fine.." I say and just walked away. Maybe I shouldn't push it further.

I crossed my arms and thought about what Katsuki said and how he acted.

I sighed and entered my house and helped my parents with dinner.

Some time passed and I was sitting in my room, working on homework and studying scrolls.

I heard my phone buzz and checked it.

Katsuki had texted me.

He asked for me to go outside, I wanted to know what he wanted to say so I did.

He was standing on the other side of the gate.

I walk over and when I got closer, he handed me a drink. The one he always gets me.

He was looking away from me and spoke.

"I'm......sorry.....for upsetting you..." he said.

"Um...well i accept your apology. I'm sorry too, I'm just concerned for my friends I just wanted to kno-"

"But I have my reasons to hate Deku, nothing you say will change my mind." He adds.

I sighed, "I guess I'll have to deal with that.." This calmness was so out of what I know Katsuki to be.

I wonder what his reason is...maybe something happened between them...I might get some answers from Izuku.

"Thanks....for the drink.."I say.

Katsuki was still facing away from me. It was dark now, quiet, peaceful. The atmosphere was calm.

I had an urge to hug him, I felt like he needed one. But I'm not sure if we are that close of friends.

"Yeah...see you tomorrow...don't tell anyone.." he replies.

"Of course...Good night..Kastuki."

"Yeah..Night" then he begins to walk away

I watched him leave and went back inside.

I looked at the drink in my hand as I went back up to my room.

My two close friends...don't get along.

What am I going to do?

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