Chapter 13

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In the next few days, I went over to Izuku's to try and make him feel better.

All my efforts didn't seem to help though.

He always seemed zoned out.

Right now I was at Izuku's eating dinner.

He was currently zoned out at a fish head.

His mom snapped him out if it, she seemed worried.

I sighed and helped Miss Midoriya clean up before she told me I didn't need to.

I went and sat by Izuku who was curling a weight. Still zoned out.

I just sat there until Miss Midoriya came into the room in a frantic state.

"Izuku! Something came in the mail! It's from UA!" She said.

I jumped up and so did Izuku.

He started at it then looked at me.

"Could you come to see the result with me? I don't know if I'm emotionally prepared for this..." He said.

"Of course, that's why I'm here" I respond.

Then we go to his room.

Whoa his room is covered in All Might merch

He closed the door and sat at his desk, setting the letter on his desk.

I stood next to him, giving him time to prepare himself.

Then out of no-where Izuku rips open the envelope and out falls a small disc.

From it, a projection if All Might pops up and Izuku yelped in surprise.

All Might announced that he was going to be a staff member at UA.

Then the moment came, All Might said that because Izuku saved a fellow student from a giant bot, that racked him 60 rescue points.

They showed a clip of when Izuku took it down.

"Whoa! That's you Zuzu!? That's incredible!" I look over and Izuku is crying.

"You did it Izuku!" I say and give him a hug as he cried.

"Welcome to UA high Young Midoriya!" All Might said.

The projection faded and we were just left in the dark, with Izuku crying in my shoulder as I hugged him.


A little later, I had to go home.

I said my farewells and I'm glad that he was better.

With a smile, I walked home. It was already pretty dark so instead of heading to the store, I felt that I should maybe speed up my pace.

I was in a nice neighborhood but, I just wanted to get home fast.

I passed a small alley between two houses and I smelled cigarette smoke.

I quickened my pace just a little but I heard movement.

I ignored it. Just around the corner and I'll be in my block.

"Hey sweet thing, a little late for you to be wondering around. " some one said.

I ignored and quickened my pace a little more.

He stopped me with a long arm. I guess it was his quirk.

I got worried, I wasn't sure if I even allowed to defend myself with my quirk.

The arm wrapped around me and I tried to break free.

"Let. Me. Go!" I yelled but the arm wouldn't budge.

I was getting closer and closer to the guy and I was freaking out, struggling more.

Then a blur passed by and the arm went limp, and the man was unconscious.

Kastuki was standing over him then turned to me.

"Why the hell are you out so late!? What if I wasn't here huh!? Don't be so fucking stupid!" He yelled at me. His eyes carried concern.

"Uh... Sorry I was just walking home, I didn't know how late it was. Thank you Katsu- I mean, Bakugou." I say.

"Be safer next time got it? " he asked.

"Yeah, got it...thanks again." I say and turn to leave.

"Uh-" he stutters out. I turn to see if he had something to say." Could I....walk you home..." He said as he shoved his hands in his pockets and looked away.

"Um... Yeah, thanks." I say.

Stupid! You've already said thanks three times!

We begin walking and it was just awkward silence.

We reach my house and I say goodbye to Katsuki.

"Hey, " he says, " listen... I'm only gonna say this one time...I...wouldnt mind it if you considered me a friend alright? Don't let it go to your head though." He spoke a little quickly but got his message through.

Before I had time to respond, he walked off pretty quickly.

I smiled and walked into my home.

My parents were asleep on the couch, they were watching a movie.

I went to my room and texted Katsuki.

Me: Thank you again for saving me today Combustion boy. Thank you for accepting my friendship!!❤

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