Chapter 2

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(Y/n)it's POV

I woke up the next morning a few minutes before dawn. My parents and I were packed and ready to leave but I wanted a little more time in my home.

I didn't grow up normally, ever since I was discovered as a long lost ancient being, I grew up in a temple.

It might seem bad but I don't see it like that. I have a chance of changing this world for the better, I was fully willing to sacrifice my childhood for it.

I sat on the top of the temple watching the sunrise. It was such a nice view.

I couldn't help but feel excited. Going to school with other people, where the best pros had gone. It's like a dream.

"Avatar (Y/n)! It is time for you to get going!" The elder called me.

I hopped down from my spot and landed next to the priest.

I went into the temple and grabbed my things that we're by the door. As I did, my parents come out of their room with their things.

They were so giddy and excited. Ever since I was discovered as the Avatar, they have never traveled outside of our town let alone China.

We all got into the car and headed off to the airport. I was doing breathing exercises until we reached the airport.

However, we weren't lead to the normal airport. The car drove us straight to where the planes were, to a private jet.

I sighed.

I assume the sages wanted to give me a final goodbye gift.

My parents practically jumped out of the car and ran to the jet.

I carried my things and we boarded the jet.

When we got settled, we took off.
We started our way to Japan.


I was bending water and making small ice sculptures to pass the time.

My parents were asleep, leaning on each other. They must have been tired of waking up early despite barely getting any sleep from being excited.

I smiled to myself and decided to rest my eyes as well.


I woke up to a lurch and a panicked person talking.

"Mayday! Mayday! Aircraft 078 has been intercepted and losing altitude quickly. Systems are failing!" The pilot said urgently.

I jumped up despite the seatbelt sign lighting up. My parents were scared and looked to me with terrified eyes.

I didn't hesitate any longer.

"Mom Dad! Put your seatbelts on!" I shouted. When they did, I opened the door to the jet and jumped out.

Using fire I shot myself up and landed on top of the jet.

We came closer and closer to the ground. I saw the airport we were supposed to land. 

I used all my strength to bend the air around the aircraft, preventing it from falling so fast.

It was straining and I honestly wasn't sure how long I could hold it.

"Just.....a little longer..." I told myself. I began to feel faint, I never had to use bending to carry something so big.

I was shaking but the plane was stable so it didn't matter. All that mattered was that the staff and my parents landed safely.

Then, I heard this laugh...a familiar one.

"HA HA HA!" I heard, then the jet got lighter. "Don't worry! For I am here!!"

I knew it.

I let go on my bending, not able to hold anymore.

I decided to get back into the jet and rest.

The jet landed safely and we were escorted out.

As I suspected, All Might was the one who helped.

He greeted us, made sure we were all right, gave my parents autographs.

"You look like a strong young girl! Are perhaps planning on going to UA high?" He asks me.

I nod, "yes I am All might, sir." I bow, "thank you again for helping me and my family, I couldn't have done it without you."

All Might does his signature laugh and says, "You have a powerful quirk! You could have landed safely even if I wasn't here! I must be off now! HA HA HA" and with that, he jumps away.

My parents calm down and we head to the new house that was bought for us.

When we got home I went to the room that was labeled as mine. It was all set up with simple necessities, a bed and dresser.

I lied onto my bed and rested my eyes. My body felt sore and drained.

I will need to train for 10 months and study to get ready for that entrance exam. I need to rest.

Soon enough, I drifted off into a deep sleep.

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