Chapter 33

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"WHat just happened?! He, he said that we're 'dating' now. Does that make me his girlfriend?! I mean, he never specified...." I rambled the next day to Korra.

It was a break between practice.

"Whoa there, calm down. If you're unsure just ask him. Most likely he'll give you an answer." Korra says.

"Of course, I know that just makes me so nervous to even think about it. On top of that, everybody will have questions that I don't know the answer to. I tried to explain what happened at the award ceremony but even I didn't know what happened." I express.

Korra thinks for a bit, "I guess that's a little on me. I was too focused on physically training you I forgot about how you need to know what you are, to begin with." She says. "Okay, I have a plan. I will try to get you to a place where you can learn about everything you need." She says, "Come back here tomorrow, whenever you aren't in the school thing."

I felt relieved when she said that she had a way for me to answer all my questions. "You're amazing Korra! I'm so glad you're here to help. I would be so lost without you." I hugged her as she hugs and gives me a pat on the back.

"It's no problem, Kid." She responds.


After a few more hours of training, I leave the spirit world and find something to eat in my kitchen. I think about how quickly yesterday happened, he didn't even seem to think about it, about telling me we were dating. Maybe he regrets it...

I shook that thought away. Just like Korra said, I will have to just ask him if I wanted to know. I'll ask him tomorrow when we walk to school.

I spent the rest of the day relaxing and meditating. My parents told me to rest, they were busy doing errands all day.


When Katsuki picked me up in the morning we walked in silence for a short while. I was too nervous about asking him but I built up the courage to ask.

"So are you my boyfriend now?" I asked pretty blatantly. I can't be any clearer than that.

He didn't react and just kept walking, looking forward.

"What kind of dumbass question is that. I made it pretty clear the other day." He responded.

"Right, of course, I just wanted to double-check," I replied and turned my attention to in front of me rather than the boy next to me.

If that's the case...then...

I hesitantly grabbed his hand as we continued walking. He yanked his hand away and I thought he didn't want to hold my hand but I looked and saw him wipe his hand on his blazer. Then he grabbed my hand again, He looked away from me but I could see his ear ever so slightly red.

I smiled and squeezed his hand as we walked.


We approached the entrance of the school and-unsure if he wanted people to know- I began to retract my hand, but he kept his grip on my hand. I guess he doesn't mind.

We separated when we reached our lockers to switch our shoes. Mina came over to me from her locker as I put my indoor shoes on.

"So, I saw you with Bakugou." She says with a grin, "Who knew you two would be a thing. He doesn't seem like the relationship type." She states.

"Yeah, I was kinda surprised two. We just barely became a couple though, so I'm still not sure." I say.

"Oh, I thought you two were together since before school started. My bad." She giggles. I chuckled.

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