Chapter 15

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"I am your teacher..."

Oh ok

Izuku looked shocked, almost scared.
Most of the class did as well.

"Now, take your seats. So we can get started." He said.

People scrambled to any seat they could get.

Was one of the last people to sit. I sat at the back of the class by the window.

(Of course)

"Like I said, I am Mr. Aizawa and I'm your homeroom teacher." He said halfway out of the yellow sleeping bag.

People murmured and I overheard Izuku say something about Mr. Aizawa being the pro hero Eraserhead. Which is pretty cool.

"Quiet down." He said seeming irked.

Everyone listens and it becomes dead silent.

"Today I will be conducting a test. A physical test. Everyone grab your PE gear and meet outside after changing." Me. Aizawa says.

Test on the first day huh?

We all stood up and went to the locker rooms to change.

We went to the yard and people were talking umongst each other about how exciting it was we were doing something interesting of the first day.

Everyone arrived and Mr. Aizawa got us quiet so he could explain further.

"Even though you guy got in here because of the entrance exam, you guys will prove here that you actually belong. You will compete against each other in a way, and you better give it your all." He says.

"And whoever comes in lasts......will be expelled." He finishes.

Shocked sounds riled up. Izuku looked mortified though.

I could tell Mr. Aizawa wasn't joking. He really was going to expel he last person.

Then, we began.

( I don't really remember some of the things or the order so....)

We all went one by one doing the different exercises Mr. Aizawa organized.

There were some that people used their quirk to aid them and others couldn't and vise versa.

We did a side step exercise.

I couldn't use my bending to help me with that, but I did well

There was a sit and reach.

I couldn't use my bending, but I did well.

There was a short sprint test.

I used my air bending to help me move faster.

Izuku has been struggling a little with these, but he was doing a lot better than how he acted like he was doing . Did that make sense?

The last one was a ball throw, and we were scored on how far we were able to throw it.

Everyone went one after another. Each using their quirk in a way.

I decided to get creative with my turn.

I held the ball in my hand and brought water around my whole arm.

I threw it and used the water to push it farther, then used air to give it an extra boost.

I scored a 798 klm

I jumped and exclaimed a "Whoo!"

I turned and everyone was surprised.

Did I go too far with the air boost?

I walked back to where I was standing. I was a little embarrassed.

Mr. Aizawa gave me a suspicious look.

Katsuki tch'ed and walked up to the plate.

Then he threw it, using his quirk to launch the ball far.

He scored the same as me.

(I forgot what he actually scored)

Then Izuku went up. I could tell he was shaking.

He stared a the ball for a while then prepared to throw it, but it didn't go very far.

I noticed Mr. Aizawa had used his quirk to deactivate Izuku's.

He brought him close and looked like he was scolding Izuku.

Izuku looked scared as he was let go and walked back to the plate.

He looked at the ball again then...looked back at me.

I gave him an encouraging thumbs up and smiled at him.

He gave a slight smile and turned back.

He wound up and threw the ball, and it flew. He turned and faced Mr. Aizawa.

He had one broken finger.

"You see? I'm still standing!" he exclaimed.

After a minute, Mr. Aizawa put up the score. The last person....was Izuku.

"Now....I was just kidding, no one is getting expelled." He said, "That was just a way to get all of you to give it your all. You are dismissed."

Everyone was dumbfounded.

I went up to Izuku.

"Are you okay? You want me to walk you to the nurse?" I ask.

"Oh it okay, I'll find my way over. I'll uh....see you at lunch!" He said and quickly walked away.

I shrugged and Ochako came up to invite me to lunch and I went with her.

I hope the limb breaking won't become a recurring thing.


I'm back! Sorry I have been gone so long but I'm back.

Nothing happened to me I just kept forgetting to post.

Hope you all are okay and staying safe at home, and staying healthy.

I'll be posting again since I got a laptop now and more free time 'cause my school closed down.

That's all!

Stay Deadly My Fellow Assassins!

(But not with COVID-19!)

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