Chapter 12

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I reached the place the card assigned and I saw a few other recommendation students.

I walk over and when I do, I was greeted by a tall energetic person.

"Hi! I just wanted to wish you luck!!" His voice was deep but he looked excited as a child. I don't blame him for that though.

"Oh, well, thank you, " I respond with a kind smile, " I wish you luck as well."

He went around talking to the other students.

I scanned the area and I saw someone with half red half white hair.

I approached them, deciding to greet him.

"Hi! I like your hair!" I say tapping them on the shoulder.

They turned around and his eyes almost glared at me. He had one silver and one blue eye. He also had a burn scar on his left eye.

An image flashed for a split second in my head. It flashed between this boy and another I didn't know.

It was gone faster than I could realize what happened.

He doesn't speak but his gaze sent a shiver down my spine. He just walks past me, bumping my shoulder.

I guess he's not a talker.

We were told what our exam was, it was more advanced, of course.

Then we began.
I'll skip the thing so you don't get bored.

When we finished the exam, the people in the regular exam did as well.

I was outside of the gates, waiting for Izuku.

When he walked out, I jogged over with a smile.
"Hey, Zuzu! How'd it.... go.." I saw the shock and distress on his face.

"I failed..." he mumbled.

"W-well you don't know that...our results won't come in for a while.." I try to reassure him.

"Yeah.... Let's just go.." He says and continues walking.

It made my heart ache, seeing my friend distraught like that.

I sighed and caught up with him. He didn't feel like talking much so I just rubbed his back in comfort.

I dropped him off at his house, I asked if he wanted me to visit for a while.

He told me I should go home and rest.

I listened but I'll visit tomorrow.

I didn't really want to go home yet, so I went to the nearby convenience store to get some snacks.

On my way I text Katsuki.

Me: Hey Combustion Boy. Did you do well in the exam?

I already knew he would, but I just wanted to see how he felt.

💥Combustion Boy💥: Of course I fucking did, what kind of stupid question is that!?

Me: I'm just being a good friend.

💥Combustion Boy💥: You aren't my fucking friend!!

I sigh and continue to the store.

Me: Hey what are your favorite snacks?

💥Combustion Boy💥: What are you fucking scheming?

He didn't tell me...figures.

"I'll just have to guess then..." I say to myself

I finish my run to the store and I am currently walking home with two bags of snacks and sodas.

I-not to my surprise- run into Katsuki. He scowls at me but when I greet him, he greets me too and stands with me instead of walking by.

"Since you didn't want to tell me, I had to guess," I say as I hand him a few snacks, I got for him.

He seemed surprised, "I'm not your fucking friend "

"You say you not, it's fine. Consider it a thank you for the electrolyte drink, you never accepted my thanks.." I say not as cheery as I wanted it to sound.

He growls and snatched the snacks away.

"What testing ground did you go to Katsuki? Was it the same as Zuzu's-I-I-I MEAN IZUKU" I say, cursing at myself for slipping on Izuku's name.

As expected, Katsuki got ticked off.


"Yeah, but why do you even care who my friends are? Do you not like him that much? " I ask.


He's just my friend, why is he getting so mad?

"He's. My. Friend. And he accepts my friendship. I don't know why you're even upset. You are so adamant about not being my friend why do you care now?" I say. I was getting upset. He insulted Izuku and being confusing.

I kept going.

"For ten months, I have tried to be your friend, because I'm new to Japan. All you've done is push me away. Honestly, I don't even know why I tried so hard to be your friend when you clearly didn't want me to be." I felt tears brim my eyes.

I just move to a new country, just trying to make friends, I know not everyone will like me. So why am I so upset about Katsuki not wanting to be my friend?

"I'll just leave you alone now, I apologize for the ten months of bother. Good day...Bakugou..." I say, bowing and continuing on.

I wiped a tear that fell from my eye and walked with my head down.

Why...why am I crying? Why am I so upset?

When I get home, I use my water bending to wash my face so my parents don't get worried.

I enter my home and announce my arrival.

My parents greet me and ask about the exam which I answer with an "It was great!" And then I made an excuse that I was tired and went to my room.

I just ate my snacks and meditated for the rest of the day until it was time for bed.

*******Baku POV******
"I'll just leave you alone now, I apologize for the ten months of bother. Good day...Bakugou..." (Y/n) said. I was angry that she was friends with that stupid Deku.

Why was I angry? She's been nothing but a nuisance to me.

But seeing her eyes brimming with tears, there was an unknown pain in my chest.

She walked past me and I stood there frozen.

I looked down at the snacks she bought me.
They were my favorite...

I turned to see her walk off. I felt..........bad?

Then...i got angry.

At my self for acting that way.
But, I treat other people like this....why is it that i feel bad when it's (Y/n)

"Ugh, why is it so confusing!" I yell to myself as i enter my home.

"What's confusing son? You get lost on your way home?" My mom had just come to berate me.

"Shut the hell up woman!" I shout at her.

"Hey don't talk back to me Katsuki!" She shouted back.

"Then leave me alone, I just walked through the damn door I don't need an interrogation!" I yelled back.

I went to my room and slammed my door.

I sat in my room and threw the snacks on my bed.

"I need to make it up to her"

I don't think I can fight it but I still have no idea what I'm feeling.

That alright for you guys?

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