Chapter 4

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I continued walking in search of a good clear spot.

I soon did come across one. One with nearby water.

I settled my chi and began practicing ancient forms of water bending.

There was one I had trouble with, it was called the water whip.

  I consider myself good at water bending but the water whip for some reason is quite difficult for me.

I took a deep breath and took form. The first movements went swiftly but instead of whipping in front of me I accidentally whipped behind me.

"Ah! What the hell?!" I heard a voice exclaim.


I dropped the water and apologized.

"Watch where you swing your water you damn extra!" The person yelled again.

He was about my age, his hair was spikey and he had distinct red irises. He was wearing a black tank top with a bottle of water in his hand.

"I apologized already. How was I supposed to know someone was going to be behind me?" I put my hands on my hips.

"You seem new to town so I'll warn you, "
he began to speak and held out his hand, small explosions coming from it.
"You'll want to stay out of my way if you know what good for you."

"So you are...?" I continue, not being phased by his threat. "A bully? An aspiring villain? Cause you seem like it"

That seemed to tick him off.

"LISTEN HERE YOU WORTHLESS EXTRA!!" He began to approach me. "I'm gonna be the number 1 hero in the world, don't you EVER compare me to a villain. Or I'll squash you like the worthless bug you are!!"

"So...temper issues? You might have to get that handled if you want to be a hero of any sort." I calmly say.

"ARE YOU LOOKING FOR A FIGHT!" He shouts at me.

"Maybe I do need a sparring dummy. Do you know anyone who can fight?" I respond.

He then swings with his right.

I use some airbending techniques to dodge.
As I get out of the way, I subtlety uses earth bending to bring up a tiny piece of earth. Causing him to get his foot caught and trip.

But before he hit the ground I caught him by his tank top and pulled him back on his feet.

"Wow tripping in your feet huh?" I say.

He turns sharply, "SHUT YOUR MOUTH!" He goes to hit me again with open hand explosions.

I catch it and smoke blocked both our faces. I used airbending to get rid of the smoke.

I realized our hands seemed to be interlocked from the way I caught his hand.

"Cool your jets Combustion Boy. " I said.

I quickly retracted my hand and brought water from the pond behind me and as he launched at me, I hit him with a large wave causing him to land on the ground.

Now he was just laying in a large puddle of water.

"That was a good spar, sorry if I made you mad. I guess I should have been nicer huh?
You're a good fighter though, thanks for letting me get some practice." I say with a kind smile.

The boy propped himself up with his elbow and wiped water from his face.

"Tsk whatever, I was goin' easy on you anyway. A loser like you would lose instantly if I went all out." He grumbles.

He's lying, but I won't say anything.

I hold out my hand to help him up. "You're pretty amazing, that quirk of yours is so cool."

He stares at my hand and back at me with a glare. Then he shoves my hand away.

"I don't need your help." He gruffs out and stands up.

He was soaked. He was looking down at himself, probably wondering how he will get dry.

"Oh, my bad," I said and brought my hands up. I pulled the water off of him and put it all back in the pond rendering him dry.

"There. As if you never touched the water. " I say with a smile.

"I'm (Y/n) by the way, (Y/n) Lin, but you can just call me (Y/n)" I say holding out my hand for a handshake.

"Well (Y/n), you got guts. No one is able to stand up to me. I'm Katsuki Bakugou. When you..uh...need a sparring partner....let me I can break your head in." He says. He's very confusing, he seems like he's trying to be nice but failing.

He shakes my hand and searches his pockets for something. He pulls out a pen and a crumpled up piece of paper, it was a receipt. He wrote something down and handed me the receipt.

It had a phone number? He doesn't seem to be the one to hand out his number.

"See ya, loser." He said and walked off with his hands in his pockets.

First day in Japan and I got the number of a boy.

Why do I have the feeling this is just the start trouble?....

I put the number in my pocket and decide to head home. I know I haven't gotten much training in but,

It would be better to train in the privacy of my own home rather than where anyone can see me.

I ended up wandering all around town, I needed to know my way around and get myself familiar with the layout of this city.

I think I might like it here.

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