Chapter 3

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I woke up at 5 am according to my alarm clock.

I got dressed, washed up and left to go get familiar with the town. I left my parents a note so they don't worry.

On my walk, I contemplate on a decision the priest gave me. I have to choose what element that I want to pass off as my quirk.

They are really adamant about keeping my ability to bend all four elements a secret. On my walk, I made a decision on what element I can use more than most.

I found myself at what looked like a beach but it was covered in all kinds of garbage. I couldn't help but try and pick up some.

I began cleaning up when I heard voices.

"Young Midoriya, for your training you will need to clean this entire beach. You have ten months before the entrance exam." The first voice said. He sounded familiar.

I peered over and saw, a man with gold yellow hair who looked like he needed a meal, and a boy who looked to be my age with green hair.

"What?! This whole beach!" The boy exclaimed. He was basically a twig, he needed all the strength he can muster to clean this beach.

Should I offer to help? ...maybe...maybe I shouldn't, I'll just do what I can today and leave the rest to him.

I turned and began to clean up some more, then I heard the boy say something else.

"If it's the only way then..... I'll do my best to make you proud All Might!"


The man -er- All Might quickly shushed him. I guess it was a secret, oops.

In the shock of hearing that I dropped the large box I was lifting with air bending.
It made a large noise.

Uh oh

I turned and saw both the All Might and the boy had come around the wall blocking us.
They both had visible worry in their faces.

"Uhhhh.....hiiii" I said with an awkward wave and smile.

All Might had a serious face.

"Hey listen, Kid, you can't tell anyone what you heard." He said.

"Oh hey, don't worry" I began, " I'm good at keeping secrets.

They sighed in relief and All Might had a look of realization.

"Hey, your that young lady from the jet yesterday. How are you doing?" All Might ask?

"All Might, you know her?" The boy asked.

"Yes, she was flying in a jet when it shut down, she was able to keep it from crashing." He explained.


The boy's eyes lit up.

"Really?! Wow, that is incredible! What is your quirk? It must be a strong one to lift an entire jet!" He exclaimed.

" quirk is umm...water....manipulation," I say carefully. It made no sense but it was possible, right?

I expected him to be skeptical but he fanboyed even more.

All Might was the one who gave me a look.

"I'm Izuku Midoriya by the way. " The excited boy said.

"(Y/n), (Y/n) Lin!" I respond.

[It's easier for me ]

I looked around at the beach.

"I overheard you say something about cleaning this beach as a training exercise. You should get to that right away.' I grin and Izuku's face dropped.
" You got that entrance exam, don't you?"

" have a point." He says.

"I have to go, training on my own as well so I might not see you often for ten months," I say with a smile and a wave, "good luck on your training. See you at the exam!" I say and walk off.

Now I just need to find a perfect place to practice my bending..

Balance(Bakugo x fem! Avatar reader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin