Chapter 36

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TW: Oc


Watching the sunrise from the train was beautiful. You overlooked the city as you headed to the location of your internship, holding your small bag of necessities. You were instructed to head to the outskirts of the city to Shadow Samurai's headquarters. You didn't have much info on this hero, all the information you had was from what people have told you, rather vaguely at that. Even Izuku had very little information, but its an official hero still, you couldn't help but be curious.

You take a break from the rising sun and turn your attention to the notification on your phone.
Katsuki sent a very sweet morning text.

 'Mornin loser ' 

You smile to yourself as you text back:

 'says the one who lost our sparring match yesterday'

 which results in a-

'shuddup'- from dear combustion boy.

Then Katsuki asks about your trip, mainly if you forgot anything so he can laugh at you when in reality he was making sure you had the things you needed, if not he was willing to take you whatever. You never forgot things but having Katsuki worry about you smile. Texting back and forth made the trip less boring and as the sun gently sat upon the horizon you had gotten off the train and started walking to the destination on your map. It took all day to travel.

Finding your way was tough, these buildings were small shops and farmers' markets, forestation and farmland were close by. As you had looked around it was a quaint area seemingly close to its roots and community. It was honestly refreshing to you from the big city, it reminded you of home.

You asked some people for directions to the hero's headquarters and you were led to the opposite of your expectations. You had trouble finding this place because it blended right in with the rest of the buildings. At first glance, you wouldn't have been able to tell it was the headquarters of a hero. Nevertheless, you entered the building.

It was almost like it was a home and for a moment you questioned if you had wandered into the wrong place.

But then someone greets you from seemingly out of nowhere.

"You must be the intern from UA correct?" They ask with a clipboard in their hand.

"Yes, I am Y/n Lin." You greet with a bow.

"Great, Shadow Samurai is waiting for you in her office just upstairs, follow me." They say as they jot something down and start walking. You follow close behind as you take a look at the surroundings.

It was pretty quiet here, people seemed to be bustling with little to no sound in their movement, it was almost like a library. You found yourself almost holding your breath from the silence.

You were led down a hall and up a set of stairs. Your footsteps were the only ones heard in the quiet halls. You unconsciously tried to tiptoe to lessen the sound. As you entered the head office the air was still. You walked into the middle of the room and the person that led you here closed the door behind you. It was dim, you looked around and the room seemed empty yet you couldn't help but feel like you were being watched. 

"Hello?" You called out, "Shadow Samurai?" It felt like your voice echoed in the small room.

Then all of a sudden the darkness of the room melted from your feet. The shadows lifted from the ground. You stepped back in surprise as you witnessed what was happening. 

The living shadows merged and began to mold themselves into something or.....someone?

You leaned forward in curiosity about what it was forming and soon the shadows mirrored you. You saw yourself in pure shadow. Out of surprise, you jumped back, "Whoa!" you exclaimed.

Then the shadow you chuckled and began to shape into something else. It was the figure of a woman. Once the shadows were in place they dropped to the floor like a cloth and revealed the full color of the figure they sculpted. It was a woman, her long hair up in a ponytail, black fading into purple. Her eyes were nearly as turquoise as the pendant around her neck. Her clothing looked like a modern take on a samurai uniform. 

She looked at you with a welcoming smile and outstretched her arms, "Welcome UA student!" she said with such excitement. 

You regained your composure and bowed in greeting. "You must be the Shadow Samurai" You state.

"That is correct. My name is Isamu Mitsuo. I'm surprised you have decided to accept my intern invitation, although it is a pleasure to have you here," she said as she kindly gestured for you to sit with her in the center of the room.  

"A friend of mine told me about your teachings. I feel like I could work on my tact and-" You began explaining.

"-Stealth?" Isamu asked. 

"What?" You questioned back, "My stealth?"

"I could hear your footsteps the moment you stepped into the building," She critiqued you.

"I thought it was just because everyone moved impressively silently." You commented.

"We train to move like that, just as you will by the end of your internship. Now before we show you your room. I have some questions," She said while leaning forward with intrigue.

She began asking you about your powers, how they worked if you needed to be around the specific material, and so on. You did your best to explain what you know to her.

After the interview, you were shown to your room. As the door slid open you noticed the floor futon rolled up and placed into an elevated nook in the wall, a small set of drawers for your clothing in the center of the wall space, the warm lighting, and the calming scent of incense. 

As you put your things into the drawer provided, you wondered how the others' first days were going. Though you thought of all your classmates, you did think of one in particular. 

You grabbed your phone and looked at the time, '10:00 pm'

You debated on sending a text at all with the little service you had. You wouldn't want anybody to get in trouble for getting a text. But as you sit there staring at your phone you get a text. 

'You better be asleep already.' From none other than your spikey-haired boyfriend. You felt a little giddy in your chest and smiled as you texted back.

'Isn't it passed your bedtime?'  You send back as you close your drawer and set up your futon.

'Go to sleep' He sent back. He was supposed to be asleep an hour ago but he hadn't gotten a text from you although he wouldn't admit it- he was worried. 

'You first' You text as you set up your blanket. You looked around and noticed there was no outlet for charging your phone. You let Katsuki know that and he immediately told you to save your battery..and go to sleep.

Although you wanted to keep talking to him, you knew he was right. You need to rest before your internship tomorrow. You said your goodnights, put your phone in your drawer, and went to sleep. 

You fell asleep anticipating what this week will bring.


Hi. I'm not dead.

this chapter may be a little weak. I'm trying to remember what my plan was for this.



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