Chapter 23

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"Morning Todoroki!" I greet as I walked into the class with Izuku beside me.

He was reading a book and looked up at me in slight surprise. 

"Um...Good morning.." He responds; he seemed a little confused.

"So how was your morning?" I ask. I sat down in the seat ahead of him.

"umm..." He seemed to not know how to respond. "it's....nice?" 

I guess it's still a little awkward for him. Should I go? 

"Well-" The bell then rang and we all went to go sit. "See you around then." I say and go to my seat.

I wonder what will happen today.  


It was a regular first half of the day. 

Normal academic stuff that everyone is tired of already. 

Lunch time now!

"Woo. I'm starving." I comment. I was in line with Izuku and Ochaco.

"Same here, I feel like I could eat a whole platter!" Ochaco responds. 

We got our food and sat down; we started talking about anything.

After a bit someone came to the end of the table. I looked and it was Shoto.

"Oh, Hi Todoroki-san!" Izuku greeted.

Shoto didn't seem to acknowledge any of the other three at the table. He just looked at me.

" like to sit" He asked. He still seemed uncomfortable or unfamiliar with asking someone to sit with him. His face showed no emotion and neither did his body language. 

Well that was unexpected....

"" I respond. I grab my tray and stand up; I look towards the others. "You guys don't mind right?" I ask.

"Of course not! See you guys after lunch!" Ochaco says with a smile. 

"Y-eah" Izuku adds.

I smile and turn to Shoto. "Well. Lead the way." 

He nodded and began to walk; I followed. I honestly wasn't expecting for him to ask me to sit with him. He didn't really come off as that type of person. 

I sit down and it was silent for a little bit; it felt comfortable though. 

"So....why did you ask to sit with me?" I asked.

"Well....we are friends now right?.......Isn't that what friends do? You sit with them over there....." He didn't really make eye contact with me but he sounded unsure. 

"Oh, of course. I just didn't want to make you uncomfortable." I laugh and gave a crooked smile.

"So.....what do about?" He asks.

"Well. anything really. What's your favorite food? " I ask in an attempt to start a conversation. 

"Oh...I like zaru soba...." He responds. 

"That's a really good dish. I actually favor (f/f) it's like my comfort food." I respond.

He looks at me finally, a small, tiny smile decorates his face. I never see him smile even something that small.

I thought up conversation starters and we talked for the rest of the lunch period. I mostly talked and Shoto only gave one or two word answers. 

But it was a nice conversation. He seemed to enjoy it too.


Sorry for not updating for  a while.

And sorry this is so short.

I got caught up with school work and all that.

I will do my best to update it. 

Stay Deadly.

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