Chapter 32

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I woke up groggy. My body was still sore from the battle yesterday.

It was about noon and I had a nice "breakfast" with my parents.

"And then, when you went 'boom!' And made that earth wave, I swear we cheered so loud the entire block heard us." My mom said in between bites of food.

Of course, my parents were a little surprised that I revealed all my powers along with -to them- this sudden growth in skill.

We finished eating and while washing dishes I talked to my mom.

"So uh...later I'm going out with a friend," I say.

"Okay, dear. I'm so happy you are fitting in well here. You've grown up so much, I'm so proud of you." My mom started to get emotional and teary-eyed.

"Ah, Mom it's ok. Don't-don't cry-Mom." I tried to calm my mom down.

After we finished cleaning up, my parents cared for their garden in the front.


I spent the next few hours practicing with Korra. I was on a break and when I checked the time, it was about 5.

I grew nervous.

"Hey what's up. I feel the nervousness coming from you." Korra sits next to me. She can feel that?

"Well...I asked a friend to hang out today and...I kinda made it sound like a date." I responded.

"It shouldn't be too hard to clear it up, I had a similar misunderstanding too with a friend of mine. You wouldn't want to hurt any feelings if this friend likes you." She says.

"But the thing is...I think......I think I might kinda like him..." I mutter out. Saying it out loud made my heart pound.

"Well...I feel like you should test the waters. Treat this as a date and see if you feel it's right. I'm not an expert in the dating category. My wife and I just kept talking and spending time then-we were just a thing. Ah...I'm not good at doing this, fighting and taking down the bad guys is what I excelled at." Korra explains.

I couldn't hurt, right? Wait...

"Avatars can have relationships?" I asked, "The sages told me the avatar was a lone hero who sacrificed personal contentment with the protection of others." I explained to her.

Korra looked at me with complete and utter shock.

" so far from the truth. You can have the same things as anyone else. Those punks have been giving you bogus advice and rules." Korra says, a little irritated. She stands up, "I want you to forget everything they told you. Now you have me! And I'm pretty sure I know more than them."

I jumped up and hugged her. "Thank you, Korra. I'm so glad I can learn from you." She returns my hug and speaks once more.

"I feel like that's enough training for today. You should go get ready....for your date." She says.

It was about 5;30 so I left to get ready. I was sweaty and gross from training so I decided to jump into a quick shower.


I sat in the middle of my room. I was overthinking the outfit to wear.

Why do I have to be so nervous, we're just going to hang out. Probably get the park...just us...

"Gah! Why am I like this all of a sudden." I exclaim and fall back, now staring at the ceiling. It was now 6, "Well, I better figure out this outfit thing quickly."
"This looks stupid."

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