Chapter 28

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I bent metal.

"Oh my Woah! I did it!"

Korra grinned at me. She put her hands on her hips, proud.
"See, I knew you could do it."

"This is incredible! I wonder how much more i could bend. Is there a limit?" I asked.

"I'm... not sure. The avatar is extremely powerful to begin with so I don't see why you would have a limit. However, I feel like you would be your own limit. You know, without knowledge of certain techniques." Korra explains.

I nodded in understanding.

But this has certainly opened a lot of doors for what I can do.


After my training session with Korra, I wanted to go for a walk.

When I closed my door behind me I see Katsuki walking past.

"Hey, Katsuki!" I shout and jog over to him.

He turned his head in my direction with his usual grimace.
He stopped and waited for me to reach him.

"What do you want?" He asked.

"I was just heading out for a walk, maybe get some food. You wanna come with?" I ask. I feel like we needed more time to hang out if we are friends. Outside of training and school.

I realized he was in his tank top, he was sweaty. He must have come back from training at the city replicas.

"O-or maybe some other time. You probably need rest after training. I didn't mean to bother you-"

"Shut up, will you? I'm not weak. Like a day of training will get me tired, give me a break." He cuts me off and retorts loudly.

"So is that a yes? To hanging out?" I questioned. I grew a little excited.

He scoffed "whatever, I was just gonna get some grub"

"Okay! I want to try out that new food truck at the marketplace!" I stated. I tugged his arm, motioning him to follow me.

He kinda smells like caramel. Interesting.

I paused. I squeezed his arm. "Dang, I never realized how much muscle you got. All that yelling is a hell of a work out huh?" I laughed at my joke.

Pink dusted across Katsuki's face as he brushed me off. "How else am supposed to be the strongest! Idiot!" He lightly flicks my forehead.

"Aye! I was joking..dang." I rubbed my head.


We made it to the food truck and ordered. When I reached into my pocket to pay, Katsuki beat me to it and paid for both of us.

He handed me my food, "Hey what the heck I had money!" I exclaimed.

"Dressed like that didn't think you did." He states and begins walking.

"Rude!" I walked with him as we find a place to sit and eat. "If you wanted to pay you could have said it nicer," I tell him. Out of all his comments that one kind of hurt.

He shrugs, "You follow me like a lost dog. You want me to stop treating you like a weakling, don't be one." He says like it's a matter of fact.

I frowned. We sat down on a park bench and started to eat.

He glances at me and sighs, "Fine, I'll lighten up. Idiot." He flicks my forehead again.

"Agh! Is this gonna be a regular thing!" I exclaimed.

He only smirks and continues to eat.

I smiled. Sitting here hanging out, the coolness of the evening, almost makes you forget the pressures we're facing.

I wanted to tell him about how I learned how to metal bend today. But he didn't even know that I could bend more than water.
I was waiting to reveal everything during the sports festival.

So I guess I'll just talk to him about it after the festival.

For now, I'll just enjoy the company of my friend.

"Oi, quit zoning out you food is getting cold." I heard Katsuki say. That's when I realized I was staring at him and getting lost in my thoughts.

"Oh right, I guess I'm the one tired from training. Heh.." I say and eat my food. I felt a little embarrassed.

We finished our food and threw the trash away on your path home.
Katsuki walked me back to my house.

"Hey, " I turned to him, "Thanks for hanging out with me today. I know it was last minute but it was nice to unwind for a bit." I flashed a smile.

He scoffs, "I guess it was a nice break..." for once he was calm.

I decided to hug him.

I felt him tense up and I quickly went inside Incase he got mad. or was it cause I was nervous about hugging him myself?

I closed my door without looking back and I heard explosions so I might have made him upset.

I should have minded his personal space.... stupid don't make people uncomfortable...

I sighed and went to my room to practice my metal bending and settle down for the night.

I need to prepare myself for the festival. I need to be good enough. I can't focus too much on personal stuff, once I reveal myself, I'll have so much responsibility...

I can't disappoint.


Oh, but what you mistook as explosions of anger. Katsuki was so flustered by the sudden hug, he couldn't express it through anything but explosions.

You have no idea what you're doing to this boy......and neither does he.



Sorry I fell off the face of the earth.

I'm all good now.

I'm making up for the missed update last week.

And you'll get your next update next week then I'll get back to my schedule.

I have it in my calander haha.

I hope to make more interactions between you and Katsuki. Sorry, it's dragged on so long.

Next update: March 27

Spam me if I don't keep my promise lol.

Bean out!

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