Chapter 16

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Since we were dismissed, we went to the lunch room.

It looked like a Mall food court.

I was waiting in line with  Ochako and we were talking, getting to know each other.

When we got lunch and looked for a place to sit.

"Where should we sit (y/n)?" Ochako asked.

"Anywhere that's free I guess," I say with a shrug.

I spotted red and white from the corner of my eye. It was the guy from the exam, he's in my class too.

"I'll... Catch up with you guys, where ever you sit. " I say and make my way over to him.

" right?" I ask as I sit across from him. He looks up from his food and stares at me with a stern look.

"I'm (y/n), (y/n) Lin but-just call me (y/n)" I say rather quickly. "I just wanted to introduce myself since we are in the same class and I wanted to mention how awesome your ice quirk is." I say. I feel like I'm rambling but I'm too far in my words.

"I can make ice too" I say.

His gaze seemed to soften a little but it was barely noticeable.

"Since I can control water, I can also control the state of it as well." I continued.

He continued to eat but hummed after every statement I made, either to say he wasn't interested or he was listening. I couldn't quite tell which one.

"Well, I'll stop bothering you." I chuckled, " I just came to say 'Hi' I hope to talk to you again soon. Maybe next time I won't be the only one talking." I laugh to myself as I stood up and grabbed my food.

"See you around Todoroki!" I waved and began walking to where Ochako went.

After lunch, school was over because it was the first day.

I was waiting at the entrance waiting for Izuku.

I saw Katsuki walking out and he passed me without looking at me.

"Hey! See you tomorrow Combustion Boy!" I shout.

Katsuki didn't turn around or stop but he shouted back, "DON'T CALL ME THAT!!" and he continued on his way.

Finally, Izuku left the building.

"Hey Izuku, I see you missed lunch. How's your finger?" I ask.

"It's better," he replies and held up his finger, wrapped in a bandage.

We began walking home when someone calls after Izuku. We both turn and it was a kid from our class, Iida I think.

He ran up and said he wanted to apologize to Izuku about before. I guess something happened between them.

As they finished exchanging a few more words, I heard a familiar voice call out.

"Hey Deku! (y/n)!" It was Ochako, she jogged up to us.

"Oh name is actually Midorya..." Izuku says.

"Oh. I just heard Bakugou call you that so I thought that was your name. " She says.

"Oh yeah he calls me that to make fun of me.." Izuku mumbles.

"Well I don't know Japanese that well but, I think it sounds cute." I say.

Izuku blushes and mumbles out, " well i guess it isn't that bad...."

We say our goodbyes and go our separate ways.

Izuku and I talk as we walked home and he drops me off at my house. After I told him about the incident that happened when I walked home alone, he insists he drops me off at home every day.

"See you tomorrow Zuzu!" I say and gave him a hug before closing the gate and entering my home.

I think my first day at school went well, despite the fear of being expelled on the first day.

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