Chapter 11

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"Eat This!"



All might just tell Izuku to eat a strand of hair to gain his power.

He gave a small fight, not wanting to eat hair.

It was a little amusing to see All Might chase him around.

When Izuku finally did swallow the hair, All Might gave a quick instruction and how to use his new power.

I checked my phone and it was almost time for the exam.

"Shoot! Zuzu we need to get going!!" I say with urgency.

Izuku acknowledges me and we rush to UA.

Entrance exam here we come!
We reached the gates on time, we were a lot earlier than we thought we were.

We walked in and caught our breath.

The building stood tall and incredible.
I could feel the excitement bubbling within me.

It's actually happening.

"I've always dreamt about this day, I honestly can't believe I'm here," Izuku says.

"It's incredible so many people our age want to make the world safer for people," I say looking around.

"Outta the way DEKU" I heard a familiar voice say.

Izuku and I both turn around.

Izuku yelps. "H-hi Kacchan! G-good morning! Let's just give it our best out there! Heh heh." He says frantically.

Is he scared of him?

Katsuki walks right by staring straight ahead.

"No good morning to your favorite sparring partner Combustion boy?" I say in my usual teasing tone.

Izuku freezes, Katsuki tenses.
"C-combustion what? (Y/n) Do you know him?" Izuku asks. He was shaking a little.

"Yeah, he refuses to friend called a friend but, he's my friend," I respond. I walk to catch up with Katsuki.

"I still don't hear my Good Morning," I say.

"I don't have to say fucking shit to you, fuck off!" He says a little quieter than usual.

"Okay, if you say so. Good morning anyway Bakugou, and I'll see your first day of school." I say with a wink" Good luck!"

I walk back to Izuku who is now floating.

"I saved you with my quirk, sorry I didn't ask first!" A chirpy girl said as Izuku regained his footing and stopped floating.

"Did you trip?" I ask.

Izuku looks at me, flustered," uh yeah"

I turn to the girl, "Thanks for saving him. I'm (Y/n) Lin, but just call me (Y/n)." I smile and stuck my hand out.

The girl shook my hand with a pinky off. "Ochako Uraraka! Call me Ochako!" She beams.

"Well we should head inside the exam is starting soon. Good luck you guys!" She says and runs inside.

I wave back and turn to Izuku.

"Well? Let's go!" I say taking him by the hand and running inside.

"Woooooo-ok," I say gradually getting quieter as I realized no one was making any noise and I just look silly.

"I LIKE THAT SPIRIT" the man replied

"Oh my gosh, it's the voice hero Present Mic it's crazy that all the teachers here are pro heroes "
Izuku mumbled excitedly to himself.

Kastuki tells him to shut up, as he does.

I'm sat in front of both of them and I guess the only two friends I have, aren't really friends.

Present Mic then went on to explain how the practical exam worked. How to get points and all that.

We all had cards that rotated our testing grounds, others had basic info, like the training ground they were assigned and number. But mine was a Number and "recommendation test ground 2"

Of course, the priest would send a recommendation .

Present Mic finished the explanation I didn't really pay too much attention since my test will be different anyway.

We were all dismissed to our testing grounds, I spoke briefly to Izuku, "So (Y/n), what testing ground did you get?" He asked.

"Umm...Recommendation ground 2." I responded.

"What!? That's insane!" He exclaimed.

"Yeah- oh we should get going huh?" I ask.

"Oh y-yeah we should. G-good luck (Y/n)!" Izuku said.

"Same to you Zuzu!" I respond and I walk to the recommendation ground.


I had to write on a different thing because Wattpad is messing up, I would type something on the next line and it would put the word I was typing in the middle of the previous word.

It got annoying.

It was worth getting this out to you guys though.

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