Chapter 5

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I finally got back home. When I opened the door I smelled delicious food being cooked.

I closed the door and slipped off my shoes before heading to the kitchen.

My dad was cooking while dancing and humming. It made me smile.

My mom was at the other side of the kitchen stirring pancake batter in a bowl.

"Hey Mom. Hey Dad." I say as I lean on the entrance of the kitchen.

"Hey Sweetie! How was your morning stroll around town?" My mom asks me as she begins to pour the batter into a pan.

I can't say anything about getting the number of a boy, they'll get too excited.

"The city is nice, there's a good balance of city and nature. I think I met two potential classmates for UA." I said.

"That's amazing honey! You are gonna have so many friends!" My dad gushed.

I chuckled. "Just focus on my burning food Dad. I'm going to continue unpacking, call me if you need any help or when food is done. Love you!" I say before walking to my room.

"Love you!" My parents say in unison.

I kept my room door open so I could hear my parents if they call me and I began unpacking.

I opened a box that held books that the priests gave me. They were old history books and really ancient scrolls. Amazingly, they were still in decent condition.

I had previously set up a shelf specifically for these.

It was like a trifold poster board, with the shelves for the books in the center and square compartments for the scrolls on the left and right side.

It is able to fold in and conserve space. It is also easily portable. I didn't know about this until I unpacked though.

I looked through some and put all of them on the shelf. I put it in the corner of my room and unpacked more things.

Normal things like clothes and stuff to remind myself of where I used to live.

I also have a small statue that the priest gave me to help with my meditation, I don't really know who it is supposed to be but I feel a strong connection to them.

I set it on the shrine I have and began cleaning up the empty boxes.

I finished bringing down the last of the boxes and my parents called me over to help set up breakfast.

I set the table and my mom fixed up our plates.

We were eating and had the TV on with a talk show playing in the background. The people on it were talking about how All Might was in town.

"So (Y/n), how are you going to train? Do you have a secret place you want to go to?" My mom questioned me.

"Well, yes I did, but I think it might be someone else's spot, so I'll keep looking.  There has to be more places to go." I say to reassure her. 

I have to come up with something, it might be too risky to continue trying to practice out in the open. 

As I was in thought, my dad suddenly exclaimed in excitement, 

"You can make a secret cave!"

Both my mom and I almost jumped out of our chairs.  

"What?" I question.

"Under our house! You can make a cave underneath and train there! Like in the movies!!!!" My dad was overflowing with excitement.

"You know what....that might be a good idea, Dad, you are amazing!" I got up and gave my dad a hug and my mom joined in too.

The rest of the day, I spent the whole day planning out how to make an underground training room with my bending. 

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