Chapter 29

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Today's the day.

After two weeks of training and refining my bending for my skill level, it's the day of the sports festival.

My class and I were in the waiting room in our gym clothes.

But as Iida alerted us that we were about to get call out to the arena, Shoto gave this sudden declaration of rivalry to Izuku.

What is it with my friends disliking eachother? I thought to myself as the room atmosphere grew tense.

Good grief....


Damnit Katsuki......

I sighed.

Katsuki was called up as the student representetive and I think he's made an enemy of the school.

He walked back and stood next to me, ignoring all the comments the other students were making.

"Why do you feel the need to do that?" I whispered to him.

"It's obvious I'm better than everyone else, they need to be reminded that they're below me." He responded without looking at me.

We did a pledge and afterwards, Ms. Midnight told us that our first event of the festival was an obstacle race.

And that it started now.

This is it. No turning back.

A door opened up and there was a tunnel leading to the course and everybody rushed to it.

Katsuki, who was next to me just a second ago, dissapeared.

I was trying to make my way past everyone but I kept getting squished against others.
I entered the tunnel and remembered a trick Korra taught me.

An air bending trick.

I managed to jump above everyone and successfully created an airscooter. I ride on the side of the tunnel and breezed past people.
I heard "what? No fair!" , "is she flying?!" As I passed.

Before I knew it I was at the end of the tunnel and I launched myself forward.

I seemed to catch up with my peers. Kirishima, Yayorozu, Ayoyama, and of course, Katsuki. They were all flying forward and Shoto seemed to be first.

I glance back and the path was frozen, guess that was his doing.

I landed and kept my pace running. I was a little slow but I tried to use airbending to run faster.

Then these large robots appeared out of nowhere.

Where were these hiding!?

I thought of a way to get passed them when my opportunity was given to me.

Shoto made a bunch of ice to freeze one of the robots.
I grinned and ran up.

I turned the ice into water and used the wave to rush passed.

"THANKS BEST FRIEND!!" I shout as I passed him.

I took the lead.

I surfed on my wave, under and around. I weaved passed the robots, unfortuanly leaving some water as I progressed.

I arrived at the next obstacle, I know most everyone is close.

It was a canyon with a bunch of tightropes.
What a nice time to be light on your feet.

I began running. I was doing well. but when I reached the middle, I was knocked off my balance by a blast of ice.

I lost my footing and fell. I grabbed onto the rope and saw Shoto pass me. He only gave me a glance as he took the lead again.

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