Chapter 35

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You have been given your hero costumes for the week long intern ships. You take a mental note to submit a redesign of it since you've revealed your powers you no longer need an outfit that is so water centric. You'll brainstorm a design once you have the time.

It was the day before the internships and you decided to spend it with Katsuki. Well-more like sparred with him.

You demonstrated your bending and didn't hold back against his explosions. You managed to knock him down with moving the earth beneath him and made him fall back as you grab his collar of his shirt. Much like your first meeting.

"Gotcha. again." you said with a smile as you pulled him up back to his feet. He looked annoyed about losing and looked to the side with a pout. He moved your hand from his shirt collar and kept a hold on it.

"So what agency did you apply to for interning" you asked as you glanced at your clasped hands as you cooled down from the sparring.

"Tsk the #4 hero...Best was the best one that wasn't already full.." He mumbled with irritation.

"Do you not like that hero?" You asked.

"It's just an internship I'll be number one anyway." He said as he let go of your hand to wipe his sweat with the towel he brings when he trains. "..What agency did you choose? since you had so many" he asked after a moment of quiet. He was trying his best to make conversation to prove he does like talking to you. Asking you to spar was the closest thing to asking to hangout that he could think of.

"I chose Shadow Samaurai" You replied as you took a sip of your drink.

"Never heard of 'em" he spoke.

"Well Mina said that she was a tough mentor. I feel like I need work with tact and precison." You say as you swing your arms out like weapons.

"Yeah, you do" Katsuki states bluntly with a grin as he drank from his water bottle.

"Hey!" you playfully hit his shoulder with a laugh,"Oh-um" you looked at him with small nervousness, "Did you want to hang out- like not sparring. Maybe some lunch?" You ask as if you litterally aren't his girlfriend.

"Why are you acting like that? Yeah sure" he said in his neutral tone that still sounded irritated to any other person.

"Well I mean I just thought-" you started to stammer.
"Stop it then, your fryin your brain. Come on take any longer and places will close." he grumbled and took your hand firm but gentle and started to walk.

"Hey I'm not that dumb!" you say at his comment as you matched his pace.

Typical to-go ramen and boba but you sat outside the shop at the tables. It was a warm day but it was nice, people would comment about the 'angry looking boy' or 'the sludge kid' but you could tell Katsuki was doing his best to ignore them much to your surprise.

"Do you think we'll get to keep our phones for the internships?" you ask as Katsuki hums in response since he was actually eating the ramen.
"Cause-you know- I'd want to text you" you smile feeling a little silly at the sentiment.

"I dunno as long as you're sneaky i guess.." he mumbled.

"Are you gonna be?" you lightly teased and took a bite of your ramen. You were responded with a redfaced Kastuki and he huffed and looked away. You had a feeling that was a yes. Why were you so shy anyway? maybe it's because he never said it outloud before, just answered you when you asked about it. You glanced down at his hand that was resting on the table and decided to go for it. You hesitantly reached and clasped your hand onto his as you turned your head down and just ate your noodles without looking for his reaction. Your face burned and your heart raced like you were doing someting risky.

But Katsuki tensed and looked at his hand then you with a similar red face and probably equal heartrate. He was embarrassed that he was flustered like this and grumbled as he continuted to eat. You took the grumble as a step to much and started to retract when his hand stopped you. There were no words exchanged but the feeling of comfort and contact was mutual. You couldnt help but smile to yourself and happily ate your ramen. This was a nice moment before possible tough internships. Doing something that was probably actual couply stuff.

You didn't really want to stop hanging out with him after lunch so you offered to go to the bookstore just as an excuse to spend more time with him. He agreed to although he made it sound like you were draggin him along when he was the one who knew where the bookstore was without needing a map.

While parusing the store you had deja vu from Wan Shi Tong's library and it reminded you to make sure to bring your notes with you to your internships so you can study those in your downtime. You were looking at some action manga when you looked over to the boy next to you seeminly engrossed in a soujo manga. You craned your head over and squished your face on Katsuki's arm as you peeked at what he was reading.

It was a scene of admiration towards the love intrest but as you were almost finished reading the page Katuski jumped and stepped away from you and in an embarrased way he asked what you were doing.

"Well I was reading until i was rudely interupted." you responded, "You looked pretty interested in that one are you going to get it (and maybe let me borrow it)" you say.

"Tsk why would I let you borrow it?" he responded and it kinda surprised you that that was the statement that bothered him.

"mmm-because you like me?" you say and tilt your head smiling and slipped your arm to link with his. Now this you liked. The simple contact made you feel less distant and more like you were actually close. It was nice and Katsuki didn't mind it either.

"Whatever.." he rolled his eyes and lookded back at the shelf with a small glare. He didn't deny it though.

"What if- I got you that manga and you got me this one? Like a gift trade" you said while holding the manga that was in your hand, up next to the one Katsuki was holding.

He huffed and grabbed the book from your hand but then put it on top of his manga....then handed them back to you. "What about you pay for both? since youre always wanting to pay" he said with a teasing grin. With equal stubbornness you took them, "Maybe I will" you stuck your tounge out at him and walked to the counter. Katsuki was right behind you and as you placed the books on the counter the cashier asked if you have a rewards card with them.

As you started to answer that you didn't you feel a body lean over yours and Katsuki's arm reaches from over your shoulder and placed a card on the counter. You stiffened and felt your face heat up.

"It's right here" he spoke. His voice was right by your ear. The cashier scanned it, gave the discount and handed it back. Then Katsuki backed away from you and you quickly composed yourself to pay for the discounted books and briskly walk out.

Once out you gently hit his arm. "What was that? You had a card?" you asked

"I wanted points on my account." he simply said and walked ahead of you to keep you from seeing his red face, not knowing you can see his red ears. You chunkled to yourself and grabbed his hand as you walked home.

once you were dropped off you gave him his book and then hesitated before surprising him with a hug. He was still surprised but returned it this time be it a little awkwardly. You walked into your house with a wave goodbye and shut the door. You calmed yourself from the giddy feeling you had and got settled.

Now to prepare for your internship with the mysterious Shadow Samurai.

word count: 1414


finding the og source of fanart is much more difficult and i dont really want to post uncredited art

so if there will be art every once in a while it will be by me.

I'll post when I post since I break the schedules i set for myself in the past lmao

see you then!

Balance(Bakugo x fem! Avatar reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon