Househusband (Obito)

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Theme song:
Dontchange- Musiq Soulchild

Love language:
Acts of service

Uchiha Obito was something new, something unexpected. You knew of the Uchihas, they are in charge of the village police, and their seemingly cold demeanor. You steer clear of that family because of that and the rumors, that shall not be named, that you heard from the streets. Unfortunately, at the time at least, you ended up in one of the member's crosshairs.

You were jogging at the local park, tryna get that yearly exercise declaration in just to drop it a week or two later when you are about to turn the corner when a big and sweaty guy came around the same time and knocked you back. And to think you were having a nice job.

It was embarrassing on both ends, mostly yours because we'll, you're the one who fell over. Obito, being the sweet guy he is, apologized profusely and extended a hand. You took it and immediately recognized him as one of the Uchihas and quickly apologized. He wasn't having it, instead offering a bit to eat at the local coffee shop across the street. You, on the other hand, didn't really care and just wanted to get away from him but you were a little hungry and it didn't hurt he was going to buy it. So you took up the offer and it went up from there.

Marriage life:
Obito really changed your perception of the Uchiha family. You thought they were this tight-knit, self-isolating, cold clan but in actuality, just very private with normal personalities. You felt a little ashamed and embarrassed believing those rumors about them but he assured you that it was ok. After all, the family has built their legacy around that for so long, in the beginning when the family first formed at least and is just now changing and letting outsiders see a different side. He's just glad that despite your belief, you gave him a chance.

Speaking of his family, the Uchiha were a little wary of you back then. Things have changed now but back then, it was like walking on eggshells, at least with the elders. The Uchiha clan were so used to the woman having a certain look, ie Asian woman with straight black hair and fair skin, and a certain blood type so it stunned the elders when you walked through that door.

The woman has no problems with you and actually welcomed you. They continuously commented on your beauty and the hair, you had to tell them not to touch it though, and overall were really warm. On the other hand, the men were a bit standoffish, especially his immediate family. Itachi, Sasuke, and Shisui warmed up to you pretty quickly, they are more open-minded than the older generation. Six months in and the only people who you were still a little awkward with was Madara and Danzo.

You told him in the beginning that you wouldn't move into the Uchiha compound until you don't feel uncomfortable and ostracized. Obito, remembering this sentiment, kept telling the both of them how wonderful you are and how you make him feel. How you made his days worth looking forward to, and overall just gushing about you to them. when they were alone together whether at work or home. He may have gonna a little overboard though considering how Madara came to you one day asking you about your 'special date' last night when you both were alone together. Oops. From that point on, Madara put more effort into getting to know you and slowly warmed up to you, and now thinks of you as a daughter.

Meanwhile, Danzo didn't care and was downright disrespectful at times often making slick remarks about you or your body or looks, even your job who he thought was beneath him. It didn't last long though, the bastard died of a heart attack. While you here living your best life, here in hell burning so who really really won?

Back to you and Obito, during the early years, he was a detective, and naturally, it kept him from you. He hated being away but he has a commitment to this job and he couldn't just drop everything just to be at home, no matter how much he wanted to. It was stressful for the both of you, from him coming home so late and barely staying in the morning, appearing with wounds, sometimes getting calls from the hospital, and the big blowouts between you two. It was a very hard first three years. But because of your love for each other, you two stuck it out and it naturally got easier.

Things especially got easier when you got pregnant and he decided to hang up the badge. Instead, he opted for paperwork signing from the office and eventually, from home. Though the pay was significantly different, it didn't affect the finance because of course, he came from money. It pays to be a trust fund kid.

Once your kid(s) was born, he committed to always be there for them and thus, while you wanted to work, became a househusband.

Obito loves kids and absolutely dotes on his. He's the type of parent that'll brag about his kid(s) to anybody who'll listen. Also, he somehow turns the most random conversations back to his kid(s). "Oh, you just lost a tooth wrestling? Wait that reminds me, my kid(s) just lost their tooth last night! It was so funny to see...." Every time, Madara looks to you as a cry for help whenever he talks about them. Once he starts, he won't shut up.

Obito definitely is the easy parent to trick, not saying you kid(s) do this but if they want to try, they'll get away with it. You have to be the 'bad cop' when it comes to discipline but trust, he hacks you up every time.

Obito thinks it's very important to encourage his kid(s) and often instills that you both believe that they can do anything they put their minds to. He wasn't really encouraged throughout his childhood, in fact, it was the very opposite. He would often get out down by a lot of people around him which caused him to not believe in his own abilities for a long time. He doesn't want his child(ren) to go through the same thing so he makes sure they have that support.

Domestic Activities:
I'm going to tell you right now, this man was not a good Househusband at first. Sure, he knew how to make up the bed, wash the dishes, and maybe sweep but he really didn't know how to clean that well. He's always been a bit mediocre when it comes to cleaning, doing the surface, and not really any deep cleaning. You expressed to him that what he was doing was surface level at best after coming home from a long day at work and ever since then, got his act together. The next day, furniture was rearranged, candles were out, the floor was mopped, windows were shinning... The house was just spotless! You couldn't believe he did it all by himself (he didn't, he had Shisui and Itachi help him but you don't need to know that).

One thing you never complain about is the food. That man knows how to throw down in the kitchen.

Random things he does for you:
Sometimes, you would come home from a frustrating and exhausting day at work to a hot meal with the lights dim and the candles lit, and your favorite slow songs playing in the background. The evening always ends with you swaying in his arms to the relaxing music. You love it when it's one of those days.

Another thing Obito does for you helps you with your hair. If you need to moisturize it but you're too tired, he does it. You're so grateful to him because his soft touch puts you to sleep every single time.

Another thing he'd do is if you tell him about something like a childhood book that you'll love to read again or a toy you had before but lost, that same week, he'd have in your hands. What a husband.

I know y'all was waiting on him

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I know y'all was waiting on him

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