Househusband (Sai)

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Theme song:
Teachme ~ Musiq Soulchild

Love language:
Acts of service

After the war, Sai becomes a jonin but has no desire to go further. After all of that fight, the only thing in his mind is sitting down and finding himself and who he is because he's never had that kind of time. In that time, he met you.

You were introduced to Sai after a funny interaction happened between the two of you and ever since then, it's been three words; awkward, intriguing, and beautiful. It took a long time with you being the ice breaker and having to get used to his...blunt nature for him to open up and even a longer time for you two to start dating. But, after 4-6 years of being just boyfriend and girlfriend, he asked you to be his partner for life. In turn, he'd take your last name.

Married Life:
Being married to Sai is like discovering a new species every single day. From the first year to the tenth year, it still feels like it was when you both first met because you're still finding stuff out about each other, more towards him. Sai is a very complex person and sometimes, a little hard to read, though you get better at it as the years pass by. Because of his childhood and how closed off he is, it was very hard for him to open up. But, because of how comfortable he is with you, he tends to blurt things out randomly as if it's no big deal. For example, the first Valentine's day you guys spent together as a married couple, you awoke to a beautiful breakfast in bed, which was very delicious. He never mentioned ever cooking, especially that well, to you, so when you asked, he just said, "Oh, I read this book so I could learn, do you like it?."

As you know, Sai is socially awkward. Being self-aware of his own awkwardness, he does what knows best, read self-help books, "How to be a good Husband for Dummies". You almost laughed when you found the book, but you being a good and supportive spouse, never made fun of or brought it up.

During the early years, it was a bit of a mess to put it lightly. You guys always bickered, not because you were sick of each other, but because of how hard he'd try to apply that self-help book. For example, in that self-help books, he read that a good husband always shows their spouse love. Sounds good enough, right? Well, sai would take it to heart and basically bombard and nearly suffocate you with his love. You'd have to explain and break it down to him how it's great that he's showing you and expressing his love for you, it sometimes becomes a little too much because there's little to no room to breathe. No room to process and soak it all in. Before, he'd get a little frustrated because he thought he was being a good husband and didn't really understand what you were coming from. After talking to some friends (Naruto and Sakura) he'd have a better understanding and would take what both parties said and apply it towards himself. Since then, he improves my miles and has been consistent.

Once you expressed the desire to go to work, he offered to stay at home. By this time, he started painting and selling them out of his home anyway so it benefited both of you. While you went to work for how many hours in the day, he took on the house duties. Before the kid(s), he was much more laid back, most likely because the house was clean and dinner was always made on time. After they kid(s), he became much more serious about his role as a Househusband and a stay at home father.

As a parent, he tries to instill the knowledge he learned from his books and his experiences through life. He's the parent that talks his child(ren) through their problems, dropping little bits of wisdom on the way.

He loves his child (ren) and would give his soul for them. There's nothing he wouldn't do for them. Though he has gotten way better, his social awkwardness never really went away and it kinda gets in the way when trying to connect with his child(ren). You noticed and took him to the side and talked about it. You then suggested that he try and do something with them that they'd both enjoy. "What about teaching them about art? I always catch them looking at you as you draw or paint."

Since then, they bond over art. Whether it be regular art and or ninjitsu paint, that's the special thing they do together.

Domestic Activities:
Like I said, before the kid(s), he was laid back with housework. As a Househusband, the only thing he took very seriously was cooking for his lovely spouse. Everything else came easy to him. He was used to doing the laundry and dishes and sweeping, mopping, etc because that's what he mostly did growing up when he wasn't out of that wretched place. The only thing on his mind was following and doing everything correctly imma cookbook so you could come home to a delicious meal was the only thing on his mind.

After the kid(s) were born, however, it was like a switch flipped on. He made sure the house was spotless, groceries always stocked, the kid(s) always taken care of. Obviously, his fatherly instincts kicked in. This being the first time being a father, he sought out those damn self-help books, "How to be a good father" and of course, "How to be a good Househusband". Again, you never brought it up and let him do his thing. He started wearing aprons more and more, grocery shopping with strollers/ baby carriers and taking in more of the typical housewife traits. It was amusing and a bit strange to watch. Thank goodness he calmed down as they got older.

Random things he does for you:
Sai draws portraits of you and the child(ren) during certain times like you both sleeping or you doing their hair. He just can't help it and starts drawing the moment, he gives them to you all in one book at the end of the year. You hang your favorites.

Even though you work, being a Househusband/stay at home father is just as tough, if not tougher. So, to unwind, he paints and uses you as a human canvas. His favorite part to paint is your back. You guys had done this before you were married but it was rare so it wasn't anything weird. You actually find it as relaxing as he.

 You actually find it as relaxing as he

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