Househusband (Neji)

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Theme song:
Perfect duet ~ Ed Sheeran & Beyoncé

Love language:
Physical touch

After the war, Neji focused all his time and energy on reforming the Hyuga clan. After everything he wanted was accomplished, he stepped down as clan leader and gave the title to Hinata, the rightful and very much deserved clan leader. Neji spent so much time fighting as a child all the way to now, all he wanted to do is live a peaceful life, especially now since the clan that once oppressed each other's were thriving in ways he wishes his father and uncle could see.

Part of living a peaceful life doing what he always wanted to do, plant a garden. Yes, a garden. So, he went down to the Yakama clan's flower shop to buy some lilies and hibiscus flowers but instead of just getting flowers, he met you. It was a brief but lasting moment to the point where you both hoped to see each other there whenever you both go to get some more flowers for your shared garden.

Married life:
Before you got married, Neji would barely open up about his childhood and preteen years. It took him a long time to find the comfortability to talk to you about that because it is a painful and dark past. He opened up about it Naruto because of how much they both relate to each other and because of that, he also saw another way of living, not by fate but on his own path. You didn't rush him but you did let him know each every time that no matter how hard it gets and how dark it was, you'll be right there to listen.

As a married couple, you two work together as one unit. It's like when you spend so much time with someone that you and or act just like each other? Well, that rings true for the both of you, for example; when sitting together, either listening to someone speak or looking at a little movie together, you both tend to have the same stance. Another thing is that your facial expressions have merged somehow, specifically the expressions showing disgust (you took on more after his), and when showing confusion (he took more after you). It's often pointed out by friends, especially Hinata, who thinks it's quite cute.

Once you moved in with him into the Hyuga compound, he was a little tender at first. A lot of things happened in his childhood from his father being murdered by his uncle, Hashi, the cursed seal being branded on him, the emotional and mental abuse... Yes, while in power, he restored and reformed the clan but he lived those things and for someone so precious to him living in the same compound where all those things took place, as you can imagine, it made him a bit uneasy. You took notice of his behavior change and it took some convincing and a lot of reassurance but he let you in and told you how he felt. You being you, comforted him and reassured him that you would protect him and that you'll always be here. He of course scoffed and made it seem like he brushed it off lightly but you, knowing him, knew that he took what you said to heart.

The Hyuga clan respects you, not just because you are Neji's wife, but you make him happy. Neji is the reason why the Hyuga clan isn't an oppressive system anymore and is thriving so they want to see him happy. That's where you come along. You've made Neji's life brighter and because of that, they see you as important as he, especially clan leader Hinata.

There are no questions about it, he wants kids, more than one. His father was gone too soon and thus had to grow up with Hashi, his uncle, as a father. Hashi wasn't a great father figure and for a long time, Neji was starting to forget what areal father felt like. That is until Gai stepped in and became a healthy father figure in his life. By the time he and you had kids, he had a good sense of what to do and what not to do as a father and how a child should be loved.

Showing affection with his kids at first was a little awkward. As I said, he did grow up with Hashi as a father figure until Gai stepped into his life so naturally he took what he learned from both and applied it to his own way. He would hold the baby wrong and or be a little distant but as time went on, he found himself attached to him with the kids. They were his everything and nothing, not even his past, was going to affect how he felt about them.

Neji is such a spoiler. Just a bit at least. You're not the bad cop parent but you can see through the cute big puppy eyes. He cannot.

That being said, he's not the easy parent that the kids can swindle candy or an extra hour of staying up before bedtime. But, if they get in trouble, he won't be nearly as harsh if they turn on the puppy eyes and baby voice and the 'I'm sorry daddy, I love you' speech. Whew, gets him every time.

As a retired clan leader, he had more free time on his hands to cater to you and the kids. Yes, he still has work to do but not as much so he's at home more than you.

His favorite thing to do with the kids is red with them. During his early days as a clan leader, to relieve himself of stress in a healthy way, he picked up reading and hasn't regretted it since. He's grown to love historical fiction and nonfiction books and introduces them to the kids.

He's a very awkward but loving father who is always there in their time of need. He loves those kids and he loves you.

Domestic Activities:
Since he is at home more than you, he makes sure the kids are clean and fed and the house spotless. He doesn't do it himself though, he teaches the kids about their chores from an early age so they do their own thing in their room and bathroom.

If you're working later than usual, he will go and get the groceries and run errands. With the cooking, that's your job and you made that very clear after he burned water in a pot. You have still don't know how he did that and he doesn't either.

When it comes to the house, he wants it to be a place where you can relax since you both like plants and flowers, he surrounds the place with plants in every room. He thinks it brightens the mood.

Random things he does for you:
You, and the kids, are the only people Neji will let touch his hair. He really takes great care of it and he doesn't let just anyone touch it. With that being said, if you want to, he lets you wash and style it however you like. It's not an everyday thing, only when you're in a foul mood from work for you to calm down. It's a win for him as well because he loves how gentle you are when you play in his hair.

Neji is a sensual person and wants you to be happy and comfortable at all times possible. So, without you even asking, he'll give you a message. Since he knows all of the body's chakra points, it's just like knowing where the sweet spots are so he knows how to get all of those knots that you didn't even that were there out.

Date night is random and thought of on a whim before you had kids but after, it's planned through and through. You two can't be away too long so, out in the backyard, he set up this area full of plants flowed and have a nice white evening alone together to just talk or just basking in each other's warmth with no interruptions.

 You two can't be away too long so, out in the backyard, he set up this area full of plants flowed and have a nice white evening alone together to just talk or just basking in each other's warmth with no interruptions

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