Always by your side (Kisame)

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"Joo-is your body alright?" Kisame came inside and kissed his wife on he cheek. "Has the baby been giving you problems?"

Joo cheesed from.cheek to cheek from her husband's touch. She was so lucky to have him. Though not everybody understood why she picked him, mostly because of his appearance, She loved him. No matter what he looked like, she'd love him the same.

"Nah I'm good. How was the mission? Go smooth or Rocky? Hello Itachi-san." She treated his partner. Itachi simply nodded back.

"Smooth enough. Besides, it's us. When haven't things gone smoothly for us?" Kisame gloated. He came closer to his wife. " I missed you and those lips though." He smirked.

Joo smiled at his flirtatious nature. "Oh you did huh?"

"Mmhm. I really did."

"Come here then and give me some." Joo pulled him close and closed the gap between them. She wrapped her arms around him as he wrapped his hands around her.

"And I was-oh God! Get a room!" Deidara shouted interrupting them.

"Ah here he goes..." Joo grimanced at at the dirty blonde. "Deidara please go annoy someone else."

"Deidara what do you want?" Kisame asked.

"To not see you two sucking face everytime I come around. Damn it's annoying man un." Deidara answered walking by the couple towards the kitchen. "I mean honestly, it was hard enough to watch you guys struggle to talk to each other back then, now all you guys do is kiss and fuck un. Like move."

"Deidara, we been together for more than 2 years now. We're going to have a baby and you still can't get used to us? Hmmm." Joo chined in.

"And what are you implying un?" Deidara questioned.

"You're jealous." Kisame chuckled. "That's what it seems like it actually."

"Me? J-Jealous? Ha! Alright! Think whatever you think. All I'm saying is that you guys are gonna take sometime to get used to. And Joo, I still don't know how you picked the walking fish over anybody else. I mean, do you really want your kid to be smelling like sardines all the time?"

"Don't talk about my kid Deidara! I'm warning you." Kisame threatened. In a blink of an eye, he had his sword pointed to his throat.

"Oh sensitive are we?" Deidara teased.

"Kisame." Itachi suddenly spoke. "He's not worth it. Put the sword down."

"Kisame took a few more seconds to stare into Deidara's as if he was saying 'fear me' but with his eyes and put down the sword. "Alright. You win."

Joo wrapped her arms around Kisame's back turning him around. She grabbed his hand and guided him towards their room. Once in their room, Joo sat down with Kisame upon their bed.

"I wonder why too sometimes. On why you picked me." He admitted. Everyone but the boss, Itachi, and Kakazu says it."

"Kisame, look at me." She pulled his head to her. "You know that I don't care about what you look like. You knew that from the beginning. I don't know if it's your in doubts or them but don't think that way. I'm with you for a reason."

Joo gently grabbed his hand and out it upon her belly. "This happened for s reason. Don't start doubting us now."

Kisame's hand moved in circle motions on Joo's belly. A smile creeped upon his face showing those signature shark like teeth. "Yeah. I guess this did happen for a reason."

"Exactly. You know, my mother, when I came to her about this, told me that just as it was with her and Kakazu, all that matters should be how we feel about reach other. Not to let how the others think. I think it's time we start putting her words into action hm?"

"I guess so huh." Kisame pulled his wife's face closer to his and gave her a passionate kiss. Joo wrapped her arms and legs around him as he laid her down. They separated and looked into each other's eyes.

"Kisame, I'll always be by your side."

"And I'll be by yours."


So many revisions but I'm happy with us product. Sorry I took so long. Between school, work, and brain blockage, I really had it ruff. But I hope you're satisfied. Thank you for your request.

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