Mistakes (Mitsuki)

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"Mitsuki... Why are you here." You questioned.

"Y/N-san I... Please, I wanna talk!" Tears were running down his pale face as he tried to catch up.

"Talk." You slowly turned to him with this cold e/c eyes. Those eyes that were once filled with joy now full of despair. "You wanna... Talk? Now?! You wanna talk?!" Your voiced raised.

Mitsuki shut his eyes tightly head lowered and yelled, "I-I didn't mean for this to happen! Ok? I-I didn't mean to-"

"Be like them?" Y/N finished his sentence. She was now standing close to him. Those cold eyes never shifting from his. "You think in that stupid?"

"No. I don't. I didn't think it happens like this. I didn't think they'd take it so far to talk about your deceased mother. And Sarada's behavior was-"

Y/N scoffed at him giving him an empty smile. "See this is what I hate. You're my so called my friend and yet here you are. Talking about everybody and what they said about my dead mother but what about you? You hurt me the most! You knew how much my mother means to me and yet, you...said... nothing. Not a word. But you didn't mean too. Right?" You ranted.


"No! What they said the past month was nothing compared to what other kids like me when through back home-what they're still going through! But you what they had? A friend. A friend who would say something, kick something, do something when a friend is in trouble. They'd take action. But you? You joined them."

Mitsuki stood in silence. He was ashamed of his behavior and felt so bad. But after hearing her, he felt so much worse. Like a complete asshole. All to fit in.

"You're right. I'm sorry. I just wanted to fit in and I did. And in the process, I sacrificed our friendship." Mitsuki bent his back forward and apologized. "Y/N, I am so sorry for being an asshole. It was stupid and I'm ashamed of my actions. I helped bring you pain when I was supposed to bring relief. Please... Forgive me."

There was silence for a few moments until he felt a hand upon his head. "Stand up straight, Mitsuki." He did exactly that and was face to face with the teary-eyed girl.

"I forgive you. I appreciate that you took the time to apologise-even going as far to bow to the point where you were almost touching the road." You whipped the stray tears from your brown skin with a mini towel and gave it to him. He cautiously took the cloth and whipped his tears as well.

"Though I appreciate the apology, we cannot be friends again. At least not now. How can I trust you to have my back when you just threw our friendship in the trash for them? Do you understand.?" You explained.

"... Yes, I understand. Thank you for accepting my apology. And giving me this towel." Mitsuki tried to give it back but she refused.

"Nah. Keep it, I have plenty. Plus, you never seem to have one so."

"Oh... Thank you." Y/n gave a slight and quick smile before turning around and leaving. Mitsuki wanted to say something but something stopped him. Instead, a sad smile crept upon his face and spoke to himself.

"See you around... Y/n San..."

BigHeartAnime here you go sis

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