Right My Wrongs (Neji )

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"Please...please call back..." A desperate Neji prayed. He'd been sitting by the phone waiting for a call for two hours now. Waiting for your call...

See, about three weeks ago, you and Neji had a nasty fight ,which resulted in words being said by the him out of anger. Upset, you declared that you wanted a break from him to think.
With his lavender eyes full of tears and regret, he reluctantly respected your decision. But for the past three weeks, he'd been fighting with himself on whether to call you or not ,but his feelings won the battle and he called. After four rings, he was ready to give up until you answered at the very last second. It was a very brief and awkward conversation but when he asked you to talk face-to-face, you agreed. Sort of. You said you'd call him back. At least two days ago. Now for two days, he's been staying by his phone waiting for the ok.

"Damnit damnit damnit!" He cursed himself. "What the hell is wrong with me! I'm so-ugh!" He yelled as he got from his bed and paced back and forth.

"This...this is all my fault....this is my doing..." He sighed and fell back onto his bed. "If only I didn't say those words to her, she'd be by my side..." Neji said as the memory of the fight cane flooding back into his mind.

" You don't really love me Y/N! You're just using me! You're just like every fucking else! "

"That's...that's some foul shit you just said. The fact that I've shown you that I'm not like the other girls and you still say that shit to me?! I just...we need a break."

She was right. She'd shown him so many times that she wasn't a gold digger and yet...

'You idiot...you fucking idiot.' he scolded himself. 'You've just lost possibly the only other person that loves you for you and not your status. Great job. '

The tears started to formulate in his eyes as he scolded himself more and more.

"I'm...so sorry Y/N." He whispered




"H-Hello?" He answered with a quickness.

"I'm ready to talk. I'm at the park down the street if you wanna come.' you briefly spoke.

"Y-Yes I'm on my way!" Neji said and hung up. He jumped out of bed and slipped on some sandals. He got one last look in the mirror, fixing his hair, which was down, and made sure he looked presentable. With all of that looking good, he jumped to the door and sprinted down the road ,not before yelling throughout the house where he was going.

'She wants to see me. She wants to see me! ' a smile creeped upon his face as he took in the situation at hand. Happiness spread throughout his entire being like a wildfire. He'd waited so long to see you and now, the day has finally come!

As he gotten closer to the park, he slowed down and tried to regulate his breathing so it wouldn't seem like he rushed here. He didn't want to look that desperate.

Finally, he made it. He spotted her sitting on a bench and made his way over. You heard footsteps behind you and turned around,face to face with your estranged boyfriend. You got up and approached him.

Your e/c eyes scanned his appearance. His appearance was different than what you last saw of him. His hair was actually down this time but a bit messy, his clothes looked as if he just slept in them, and overall, it looks like he hasn't slept in days.

'Jesus Neji...' you thought.

"Hey Y/N. You look...good." he complemented you, giving you a half smile.

"Thanks. Shall we walk?" You said pointing to the walking trail.


You two walked in silence , trying to not make it as awkward as it already is. During this time, Neji took this opportunity to steal glances at your appearance. He noticed that your S/C skin was practically glistening in the moonlight. You had on a light jacket, high waisted jeans capris, and tennis shoes. Most of your hair was being covered by your hoody. (neutral for those who have a culture with keeping their hair not being seen). You looked so much more beautiful than the last time he's seen you.

"Neji." Y/N finally spoke. He was ripped from his thoughts and replied.


"Uhm it's...been awhile since we've seen each other. The last time was-"

"Y/N." Neji put both of his hands on your shoulders and gently turned you to him. He looks you right in your eyes as you did his.

"I want to apologize for what I said to that day. My mind was not...there and... I'm sorry for making you feel-"

"I forgive you." You said interrupted.


"I said, I forgive you."

Neji stared blankly into your eyes for a few moments before processing what you just said. He then slowly crept up a smile onto his face and attempted to hug you, but you pushed him away.

"Ah-what's wrong? I thought-"

"Neji, i forgave you for what you said but...."


"But I can't be with you. A least not like this." You declared.

Neji's hands slipped from your shoulders as he took a step back. He didn't understand what she was getting at.

"What do you mean we can't be together?"

You took a deep sigh, still keeping eye contact. "What you said that night really hurt me. I did all of what I could to show you that I was different only for you to tell me I'm like the others?" You said, your voice doing a little voice crack in the process.


"No Neji! Let me finish! After the fight, all I could think about was those words ,so I got to thinking. Over the past three weeks, I reevaluated our relationship and today, I came to a conclusion. I just can't be with you."

Neji stayed silent as you explained why.

"It occurred to me that... you're afraid to get hurt ,so you wait till something like what happened last time to happen so you can distance yourself away. "


"I can't he with some who is afraid of what we could become... You're so insecure that you hoped that I would just go away in the beginning but I stayed! I stayed and made this crazy but beautiful relationship we have... We...had. That's why I think it'll be best if we just start over as friends and see what happens in the future..." Y/N explained.

Neji processed what she just told him. He was insecure and he was afraid. After all of the mental abuse from his own uncle and the girls who've onlyyhad eyes for his money, he didn't think there was anyone else.

But then she came.

'And you blew it.'

"Neji..." Her soft and quiet voice once again ripped him from.his thoughts.

"Y/N, I... respect your decision and I think it's better that we would start iver as well. You didn't deserve for me to put my insecurities on you. So on that note, I'll try to improve so that maybe one day..."

"Thank you Neji," you cupped his face. " You know, I still love you and I'm looking forward to seeing where this leads." You pull him in for one last kiss before officially breaking up. After you two kiss, you hugged each tightly.

"I'm gonna miss you..." He breathed out. "I love you so much."

"I'll see you later..." You pulled away from him , getting one last look in before going back home. Neji watched you until you were out of sight to let out the build up tears in his eyes.

Hey guys! I wanna start a new system! So basically, I'll update every once a month with a short story and , starting now, headcanon! You like?

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