Househusband (Madara)

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Theme song:
Dangerously in Love~ Beyoncé

Love language:
Physical Touch and gifts

Madara is one of those cold on the outside but a softie on the inside, specifically toward those who he considers family-like Hashirama and actual family like Izuna. Speaking of Izuna, he's the reason you met your future husband.

It was during the Winter at your job. You were a music teacher in college and took up the job as an assistant in a traditional music class, you found yourself very good at koto, and gave tutoring lessons to those who were struggling. Izuna was one of those people who was struggling to grasp it and you being you, encouraged and helped him improved immensely.

Izuna and Madara's mother loved playing the Koto and since she was gone, he felt this would be a way he could connect with her spiritually. He was so grateful for you and went to bring his big brother here to show him. And that he did. The next day, a grumpy longer haired tall man was pushed into the class by Izuna.

He looked as if he couldn't be bothered with this but was only here to please his little brother. It didn't matter though, you thought it was kinda sweet. Plus, he was a little handsome under all that hair, and with the way he looked at you, he thought the same.

He sat down in the empty classroom next to you as you both watched Izuna play their mother's favorite song. His eyes stayed upon his brother, taking in everything, and looked a little taken back. You guessed he didn't tell him about what he was doing. After Izuna was done, he got up and asked his older brother how he did. Nothing came out of the Uchiha. Instead, he pulled him in for a tight hug, ruffling his long hair, and told him

"You did great, Mother would love it."

He then turns towards you and asked if you helped him. You said yes and continued to praise Izuna and offered to help him learn how to play it as well. He thought for a minute before taking you up on that offer.

You didn't know it at first, he didn't either, but this would be the start of a beautiful relationship between the two of you.

Marriage life:
Madara is quite the character. On the outside, and according to everyone else who told you their opinion unprovoked, he's a firm and cold man. Always serious and takes no-nonsense. There's a reason why he's village head after all. However, taking from your own accounts with him, he's totally different than what everyone has experience with. Only around you, Izuna and Hashirama can see his real self which is a little goofy but overall a soft and clingy husband.

Every day he makes sure you know how much he loves you and how he couldn't imagine life without you without fail. If you're cooking something or just doing something standing, he'll wrap his arms around your waist and rest his head upon your head or in the crook of your neck (depends on how tall you are) and rock side to side a little bit. Every time, you hum in delight and fall back into those comforting arms of his and rock back and forth as well. As you can see, he's very touch-starved since the Uchiha's aren't known for their affection, especially in public. He's a very touchy-feely partner, always having to touch you in some way. Whether that's hand-holding, hand on thigh, playing in your hair, either way he's gonna be touching you.

Another thing the Uchiha's are known for is marrying people with a specific background and look. Pale skin with straight black hair with a powerful clan background is the standard for the Uchiha clan. You're none of those so you stuck out like a sore thumb. No one dare say anything though, you are with the clan head after all.

Besides that, everything was fairly smooth and soon, you'd find yourself fitting right in within the clan. As the clan head's wife, everyone obviously had to respect you but their respect wasn't given out of fear but with genuine feeling. You wondered for so long what you did to gain such an honor until an elder told you.

"Your love has changed him for the best."

You didn't know what that meant but if you being with him helped him then that was alright with you.

Sometimes, he'd treat you as if you were fine china and you'd have to remind him that you're very capable of handling things yourself. You hate it when he gets like that because he will take it a little far if you let him. He's very protective of people he's close with, especially after the death of his younger brother.

Even so, yuh two make each other so happy, it's hard to separate you from him and vise versa.

You guys don't really think about kids but if you did decide to get pregnant, you'd only have one child. Though he's not fond of children, yours is obviously an exception and he's definitely going to spoil them with affection. It'll help if the child looks and or acts like Izuna. If they so much as whine, he'll come running because that's his child and if anybody makes them cry, they'll pay a grizzly price.

Though he loves them unconditionally, he is hard on them with their studies and training. His serious and no-nonsense personality jumps out. Otherwise, he dotes on them.

Domestic Activities:
When Madara and Izuna's mother died, as the oldest, Madara had to take charge and take care of Izuna. Sure, they had help from other clan members but most of the time, it was Madara taking care of Izuna and himself.

With that being said, Madara is an amazing cook, could pass as a chef! He's one of those cooks who doesn't like anybody in the kitchen but himself while cooking. That's his domain after all. If you ask him to make something, he'll whip it up, even if he's never made it nor has he ever heard of it before. Anything for his baby.

The house is always spotless, a clean home means an organized mind is his motto, and busts out the cleaning supplies every day. He doesn't get into the nitty-gritty unless it's Saturday, yes, every Saturday, and go crazy with the bleach and pine sol. It's a sight to see with his mask on and jogging suit and gloves and apron.

Random things he does for you:
Every time you come home, it's always something new waiting for you upon your side of the bed. Ranging from new jewelry to a new book that you were talking about maybe reading the other night, it's always something new. He'll act all nonchalant about it but you know he lives for your reaction.

He can tell when you're stressed out or a little upset so a way he gets you out of a slump is to sit down in front or next to you and hand you a brush and or comb, basically telling you to go to town on his long locks. He doesn't do well with talking about feelings and emotion, though he can show it through gifts and touch, so this method allows you to talk to him about what's bothering you without outright asking. It's very sweet, even sweeter when you know he doesn't let anyone touch his hair, even you at some point.

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