Caught up in the Rapture (Gai)

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It was strange. Such a foreign feeling to have. Was this what people would call butterflies in his stomach?

Gai looked at you talking to co-workers. Your smooth sun kissed skin glimmered in the sunlight. The flowers in your braided hair made you look even more graceful. You were from a far away land on the other side of the world. Being proficient in medicine, you decided to travel all over healing the sick. You were so invested in helping people becoming better. That's one of the things that drew him towards you.

He remembers when he first met you. Accent thick as ever speaking broken but understandable Japanese.

"Everyone," Lady Tsundae introduced you. "This is Y/N L/N. She's here to give lessons to our medical staff on medicine she developed in her home country. We're going to need it later on down the line, Gai." She turned to him. "Considering the amount of knowledge she holds ,you will be assigned to her as a bodygaurd. Please, guide Y/N to her temporary home."

That night, Gai took you to your 'safe house' and on the way, made conversation. You tried your best at speaking to him in his native language ,but ,not being very fluent in Japanese, it came out all wrong.

"Y/N right?" He spoke in english. "It's alright, you don't have to struggle anymore. I speak several other languages including english!" He reassured.

You sighed in relief. "I was butchering the language wasn't I." You smiled sheepishly.

"Yes." Gai chuckled. "But you were doing your best! So it's quite alright."

"Thank you."

"I have to ask, I hope you don't mind, but where are you from?"

"Well, I'm from Y/C. Though, it's been a very long time since I've been home, I'm sure there's nothing left there for me."

Gai looked at you a little curious. "Why would you say that?"

"Well, my home. It was colonised by Europeans from the west. They took our land,  forced us onto these hard and rocky lands and made us work for them as farmers. One day, my elder and others decided to fight back. My mother and father didn't want me there for the fight ,so I made sure to run before they caught me that night."

"Oh my.."

"Yes. It was horrible. I.. couldn't save anyone. It was too many of them and only one of me. I was outnumbered so ,as painful as it was, I had to move on." Silence filled the air for a minute before you spoke again. "That is why I do what I do. I travel to different places, mostly rual areas, that don't have the resources to heal wounds and diseases. In a way, I'm paying back my people in spirit by helping others."

"I see. I think that is very noble of you y/n." He said giving you his famous shiny smile.

You giggled. "Thank you."

You two arrived in front of your house and bid your goodbyes.

"Thank you for a lovely talk. Goodnight, Might Gai."

"Goodnight Y/N.

After that night, Gai couldn't stop thinking about you. Maybe it was because of your noble deeds that kept you in his mind? Or was it your inspiring story. "Or" It was certainly a mystery to him.

As you two spent more and more time together, thanks to him being your bodygaurd, he fell deeper and deeper in love with you. Traveling from the Konoha to Suna, both healing the seemingly incurable to teaching hundreds of medical nin how to treat certain poisons and sickness which the previous medicine performed for it had little affect but the best at the moment.. it was incredible to him.

"I know what this feeling is now.." Gai said to himself. After thinking back, he's come full circle to what he feels. And deep down, he hopes you feel the same.

It was your last day here. It was time to move on but... you felt a pang at your heart. You didn't want to leave for some reason. You clutched your chest. "What does this mean?"

"Y/N San!"

There it was. That strange feeling inside of your heart intensified at the sound of his voice. "This is.."

You swiftly turned around to face him. "Gai."

"Y/N," he gentle held both of your hands in his and looked you straight into your eyes. "I want to ask you something."

"Ask me... something?" You questioned.

"Yes, before you leave, I have to tell you something. The way you carry yourself through such tragedy..the way you care for others..You make me want to do better as a Sensei and a ninja. Looking at you gives me strength and to do my best! Y/N, I am in love with you."

Your eyes widen in shock.

"I want to you feel the same way. It is alright if you don't so don't feel scared to tell me the truth. But..I have to know.."

"Gai.." though you were outside, the air around you became heavy. Your breathing sped up a little as you took in everything this man has told you.

'He's in love with me.. He's in love with me!' you thought.

As you were taking your time processing everything, Gai never stopped looking at you. In fact, he was ever patient with you because he knows he dropped this huge bomb on you at the last minute.

You cleared your throat and regained your composure. "Gai."


"I've been having this.. feeling. Everytime in near you, my heart gets this weird feeling.  I couldn't identify it for the longest. As I was about to exit the village, when you called for me, I felt it again. I think I know what it is now." You explained. To took a deep breath and smiled up at him tears wailing up in your eyes. "I think..I love you too."

Gai smiled so wide and pulled you into a tight hug as you hugged him back. "Thank you."

You two stayed embraced in each other's arms for a few more minutes before you spoke up. "Gai. I can't stay here. I-"

"I know." He pulled away a just enough so he could look at you. "I never asked you nor do I want you to stop doing what you're doing for me. In fact, it will bring me happiness to know that you're out there helping to unfortunate."

Your eyes, as well as his started to wail up in tears again. "Thank you Gai." You put your palms on both sides of his face. " I promise. I will come back to you when the time is right."

"Thank you Y/N. Thank you.." he breathed out. You both moved your heads into a gentle but passionate kiss and pulled away. You left his arms  as did he and said your goodbyes.

"Til next time, Might Gai."

"Til next time ,Y/N"

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