Darkskinned cutie (Naruto)

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Y/N walked through the leaf village with Glee. She was ,as others would say, the new kid on the block. Y/N came across the leaf village one year ago and ever since then, she has had no desire to go anywhere else.

She's also made some friends here. Her first and closest friend she made was an overly optimistic loud blonde named Uzumaki Naruto.

At first, Y/N wasn't sure if they were gonna get along because of how loud he is and how he always make​ speeches about bonds and friendship, but through all that, she found someone who she can relate to and find comfort in.

"Yo Y/N! Wait up!" A voice called out breaking her train of thought. She stopped walking and turned around and smiled.

"Yo Naruto!" She waved. "What's up?" She said. He finally caught up to her and smiled widely at her.

"Y/N do you wanna come to Ichiraku's Ramen shop with me?" Naruto asked.

"Uh well I am kinda hungry. Alright." She said.

"Great! Sai and Sakura are meeting us there. I told them at I would come and invite you too." He explained.

"Ah Sakura? Um ok...let's go then." Y/N said and walked past him. Naruto noticed her change in mood when he mentioned Sakura and questioned her about it.

"Hey Y/N, you ok? You seemed a little out of it when I mentioned Sakura chan." He questioned.

"Uh... nothing. I'm fine it's just that.....it's been awhile since I've seen her y'know hehe." She said.

You was lying. The truth is that you have a problem with Ms. Haruno. Well she had a problem with your....dark skin. Every time you're around Sakura, you always ends up being the butt of her jokes. Especially when it comes to your skin. All the jokes were making you slightly insecure about your dark skin again. It's was hard enough to accept it with people making racists and colorist jokes back at home and you did not need all of that here

"Oh okay then. Let's go then!" He said and headed to the Ramen shop with her.

A few minutes later, they saw the shop along with Sakura and Sai sitting inside the little shop. As they approached the shop, Y/N heard Sakura and Sai's conversation. What made her stop in her tracks was when they mentioned her name.

Naruto noticed she stopped right in front of the opening turned to her. "H-Hey what's wr-"

"Shhh and listen!" She demanded. Naruto stared at her in confusion but did as he was told.

"I don't know why that baka decided to bring Y/N along." Sakura said in annoyance.

"Why? She's nice. Nicer than your ugly ass will ever be." Sai said.

"Shut up Sai! I don't know I just don't like her." She said.

"Well that's obvious considering you always have her at as the butt of the joke. Especially about her dark skin." He said.

"Because she's an easy target. Especially with her dark ugly skin. She would look better lighter in my opinion." Sakura said.

"I can't believe she said that....." Naruto whispered angrily.

"I can.... It's not the first time she's joked and talked about my skin. I'm surprised you haven't noticed." You said in an upset tone

"Why didn't you say anything her? You're usually head strong." Naruto questioned.

"I didn't confront her because I know how much you like her and if I would have confronted her, she wouldn't be here. Instead, she would've been 6 feet under. But like I said, that's your friend so-"

" Y/N just because she my close friend doesn't mean you have to stomach her blantat racism." He slightly shouted.

"I know but-"

"But nothing! Come on!" Naruto said grabbing her hand and leading her inside.

"Uh what are you doing?!"

"Sakura chan I can't believe you." Naruto shouted. Sakura and Sai turned around to Naruto with Y/N by his side

"What are you-"

"Don't give me that bull Sakura! Y/N and I heard what you said and I'm so disappointed in you! The fact that you don't like Y/N because of her dark skin shows that... pathetic side of you. You might not love her skin but I do. Her dark skin is what makes her beautiful and herself. I love her skin and I wouldn't want her to look any other way!" He said.

You were surprised on how he defended you. Nobody has ever defended you, especially when it came to your dark skin. You've always had to defend yourself. You've also never had anybody , other than your family, complement your skin.

"If you can't accept her because of her skin then I...I don't think we should be friends anymore." Naruto said.

"Naruto..." Sakura said.

"Naruto you don't have to do that for me." Y/N said.

"No I do because I can't be friends with someone who dislikes people I love based off of their skin." He explained.

'People he loves?' Y/N thought to herself.

"You're one of my close friends, so I'm gonna let you think about all of this because I would hate to lose you after all we've been through because of your petty colorism. Come on Y/N. Let's get out of here." Naruto said. He grabbed her hand and lead her out of the little shop to a nearby bench and sat her down.

"Y/N I'm so sorry for not noticing the jokes! I've should've noticed how uncomfortable you were and-"

"It's okay really. I'm use to stuff like that. I'm almost numb to the feelings I used to feel." Y/N explained.

"Yeah but it's not okay to me. It shouldn't be happening so much that it becomes numb to you." Naruto said.

Y/N threw a half smile at him and patted the wood next to her hinting he should sit down. Naruto took the hint and sat down next to her.

"Look, I know that you're angry at your friend, and trust me I was ready to kill when I was listening to her, but you're just gonna have to let it go ok? Trust me, I've delt with this my whole life." Y/N said.

"I...I guess you're right. I'll try to let it go. For you." He said. Y/N smiled at him and gave him a hug.

"Thank you Naruto." You said. Naruto's face started heating up by and hugged her back.

"Y-you're welcome..." He replied.

"Now... people you love huh?" You asked with a smirk.

"Ah heheh well uh..." Naruto said turning red. Y/N just laughed at him.

"You're one of the people I love too."

Y'all it's all done!!! Yay! Sorry I took so long! CutieToaster

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