Been so long (Gaara)

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Gaara caught himself thinking about you a lot these days. Today is the day you'd be visiting him for the first time in months. You were over in your own country commanding the army, and giving the people peace. After winning the war against a terrible ruler in your land, with the help of the village of the sand and leaf, you took your place as the general and the side of the new ruler, your closest friend since childhood and best candidate.

During that time, the two of you fell for each other. It was a bit shocking that he's the one who fell first. It was quite a surprise to say the least. The only love he's ever felt about anyone was his nephew, brother, sister, and of course Naruto and Lee. But this was different. He felt a weird sensation in his heart, just like the first time when he and Naruto and started to become friends and when he and Lee started getting close.

This love But he liked the feeling of it.

You confessed first. He remembers the way you looked. It was the first time he's ever seen you this.. vulnerable. Your cheeks were turning a shade of red, your eyes darting everywhere but his. If he didn't know any better from his sister's relationship, he'd thought you had a fever of some kind.

"I like you Gaara. And not a regular like! like.. Ugh, I sound like a kid." You goaned.

Gaara chuckled to himself about the whole ordeal. There they were, in the middle of battle, confessing to each other because one of you almost died. And here you are, fearing you sound like a school kid confessing to their first time crush.

"I love you too." He said back to you. Gaara never felt so happy knowing there was someone out there that felt the same way as he. It was a little surreal to him. Maybe...even romantic?

After the war, both villages had to leave and lead their own. But ,before he left, Gaara promised to write to you and vis versa. The very next day, a bird made of sand flew into your office. It burst as soon as it landed onto your desk which revealed a letter.

Now Gaara wasn't the best with words, plus his bad handwriting.. But, you appreciated every word of the letters. It was obvious with evey letter that he was pouring his heart out to you and you did the same. Whenever he'd hear your country's native bird call, Gaara would perk up instantly. Those letters are the only way you and he communicated so it was always exciting to hear the bird.

In your letters, you'd tell him about your day as a general , how some of the new recruits do a little too much and test you a lot in strength, thinking because of your gender that you're not stronger than them. Of course you love a challenge and of course, you'd win at every test they have for you. It was still a little funny to you how you single handedly fought the former leader and men would somehow still doubt your strength. It's just embarrassing.

'I really don't know how they could doubt my strength when I was one of the few to match every blow with that beast. Perks of being a woman huh.' You said.

On last week's letter,  you'd confirm your visit to him and he instantly filled with joy. "Y/N is really coming!" His voice that filled with joy soon switched to full on panic mode. "Y/N is coming!"

That afternoon, Gaara prepared his home for your return and enlisted his siblings for help.

"I'll cook!" Temari volunteered

"No!" Both boys shoot her down quickly.

"You can't cook. Realize that." Kankuro said bluntly.

"What did you say?!"

As his two siblings argued, he placed the last flower he picked from his green house in a vase full of a flowers he grew himself. "Perfect."

The next day, you'd finally arrived in the sand village and was immediately greeted at the gate. "General Y/N, it's good to see you!" The ninja said and bowed.

You bowed and greeted her back. "Ayumi, it's great to see you again."

"The hidden village of the Sand has been waiting for your return, the Kazwkage especially." She said with a wink as she guided you.

You blushed a little. "I have as well."

As she guided you through the village, it's residents greeted you all the way to the Kazekage's house.

"Hello General Y/N!" "We've missed you General Y/N!" "Welcome to the Village of the Sand once again!"

"Everyone here is very fond of you for how strong you are. Plus, it does help that you're smitten with our leader." Ayumi interrupted.

"I see." You said.

The two of you finally made it to Gaara's home and Ayumi went straight to the goodbyes and see you later. As she left, you walked up the steps and attempted to knock ,but ,before you could make contact, the door swung open to reveal Gaara in an apron holding the flowers he prepared for you yesterday.


"These.. these are for you." He said and extended the beautiful flowers towards you.

"O-Oh. Thank you." You took a moment to evaluate and smell them. You looked at him and smiled. "They're lovely." Gaara smiled and stepped asside so you could come in.

"Wow." You look in awe. You've never been in his house before and it looked far better than what you expected. There's were plants everywhere, pictures of Temari and her family, Kankuro, and his mother and father. "So beautiful in here.."

"I prepared everything..for your return."

You turned to him and smiled once again. "Thank you." After putting the flowers down, you walked back up to him, still with that heartwarming smile of yours and hugged him. "I've missed you so much, Gaara."

He hugged you back when tighter. "I've missed you too, Y/N"

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