The look of love (Minato)

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Minato was a kind guy, always helping the people in need and reassuring everything will be alright. To calm them down, he'd give this warm and welcoming smile, as if everything is going to be alright. The citizens of Konoha associated him with a calming arua, even as he got older. But his peers started to notice something else about him.

It was you. His smile was different yet familiar. With everyone else, it was the same calming smile he gave ,but with you, it was something entirely different.

Of course he didn't notice and you just meeting him not too long ago, hadn't notice either. But everyone else, oh they've taken notice.

"What's with that look you have?"

"Aww, there he goes again, that same face he makes when he's with Y/N."

'What are they talking about?' He'd ponder every time he'd hear his peers whisper. 'What face am I making?'

"Y/N." He called out to you.

"Yes?" You swiftly turned to face him. "What's up?"

He will admit that you were very charming and cute. The sun behind you made your dark skin glow in the sunset, the wind slightly blowing through the air making your hair move slightly in your face. Yes, very charming indeed.

"U-Uhm, do I have..a look?" He asked a little nervous. Minato was aware he was staring a bit too long.

"What do you mean?" You asked back confused.

"Well, our classmates have been teasing me lately about a certain look I have. But I don't see it." Minato explained.

"Me neither. Minato," you put your hand on his shoulder which caused him to tense up a little. "Just ignore them. There's nothing wrong with your face." You winked at him and hit his shoulder lightly before walking off. "Anyways, thanks for walking me home. I'll see you tomorrow."

"Yeah..sure. I'll uh see you tomorrow." Minato waved goodbye to you and turned around to head towards his house. He could feel his cheeks heating up and got even more embarrassed.

"What's wrong with me?" He asked himself.

"You like them." A voice chimed.

Minato stopped walking and quickly turned to the source. It was an old woman. A woman he helped before. He knew her because of the many times he helped her with her groceries at the market. In that time, the two would become a close enough for Minato to reveal what his dream is and such.

"Mrs. Watanabe!"

"Come here Mintao chan." She called to him. He did as told and sat down next to her in her porch.

"What do you mean when you said that?" He asked obviously oblivious.

"I mean exactly what I said. You like that person, don't you Minato chan." She teased.

"I don't like them like that! ...I think."

"You think? No, either you know or you don't." She shot back.

Minato wanted to say something back but ultimately decided against it. Instead, he let the old women speak.

"But, even though you most likely don't know yourself, I know that you do? And I know what you're thinking."

'How does she know?'


"Well," Mrs. Watanabe looked down at her dear friend and smiled. "It's the way you look at them."

"The way I look at.. everybody?" Minato questioned.

"You still do not notice boy? Your looks differ with them. They've just moved here so they aren't familiar with you all that well ,but we are. And we know how you look at us compared them."

"...which is?"

"Love." She said.

Minato shot his head up and looked at her in confusion. The look of love? How could look at guy like that? Even so, he would have noticed... right?

"You are confused right?" Mrs. Watanabe interrupted his thoughts.

"Ah..yes. I don't understand. I think I would have noticed if.." He trailed off and began to blush.

Mrs. Watanabe giggled at him.
"Look at you, blushing at the thought of it!"

"Because it's embarrassing!"

"Because it's true. And you know it." Mrs. Watanabe sighed and smiled at him once more. "Minato chan, do you feel at peace just being with them? Are your cheeks always heating up just at them brushing your skin? Do you have butterflies when you see them?"

These questions echoed through Minato's mind and after a couple minutes of silence, it seemed he finally figured it out. He thought back your smiling face when you two said goodbye to each other earlier. "I.." He gripped the end of his jacket and looked to the old women. "Thank you."

"Mhm." Was all she said before he took off in the direction of his house.

'Thanks to Mrs. Watanabe...I know what this is.. this feeling in my stomach. I finally realized the look, the smile I give.' He thought about you. 'Its the look of love.'

"See you tomorrow.. Y/N."

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