Headcanon (Sasuke)

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Sasuke wasn't the type to be overly affectionate. Because of his upbringings and how he saw his whole clan killed by his own brother, he hasn't let anyone, other than Naruto, into his heart. It was understandable really. He didn't want to get to close in fear of losing you as well.

That's why you were so surprised when he kissed you without any warning on you New year's eve! You weren't complaining though!

After that kiss, he would open up little by little telling you stories before the tragedy and his fondest memories of his early team 7 days.

You finally got him to break down his walls enough to let you into his world. And that, that is satisfying b to know.

Naruto Boys X Poc ReaderOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora