letters nine and ten.

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𝐥𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐞𝐧 ─── may the force be with you

7th Avenue, September 3rd 2009

7th Avenue, September 3rd 2009

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March 30th 2007

𝔇ear Luke,

It is weird to say but I'm missing you even though it's only been a few weeks. I honestly can not wait for you to be back home again. I have missed our movie nights, and our bickering. Having you stay over is honestly the highlight of my month and I miss having you over to eat food with and hug. What I'm trying to say is please come back soon, and preferably in one piece.

I'm really looking forward to seeing you.

Anyway, onto other things. You'll never guess who's got a birthday coming up soon? That's right, me! I'm going to be twenty, and honestly, I'm really looking forward to it. It's April 27th, so if you're free, do you want to come and celebrate with me? I don't know if my family's showing up, sometimes they do, sometimes they don't and I won't know until the day but it'll be good to spend time with you. Your presence is much more enjoyable.

How's your co-worker? The one that I find funny? Is he able to come round and sign Hercules movie songs with me? Please, bring him. I will beg and plead almost as much as I do for the name and type of your sword. I also really don't care how chaotic you think it'll be, it won't. I'll behave.

Speaking of behaving, after almost burning down my apartment building, I've been given a new oven so thank you for lying to the owner. I still want to know how you managed to do that. But this new oven means that I'm going to be able to cook loads more food and I'm really excited. I can finally try some of those recipes from the book Ava and Iris got me at Christmas. Promise I will not kill you with the cooking, but I think you'll like it!

Also, release dates for the new Harry Potter film are coming out soon. You're definitely available to come, right? In other words, you better be free or I'm going to make sure that you are free on the day. But that's besides the point. I'm so excited to watch it with you!

In connection with our last movie night, may the force be with you, don't turn to the dark side and kill your boss, no matter how tempting it is.

Ellie xx

April 4th 2007

Dear Luke,

YES! YES YES YES YES!!!!! I can't believe that you're able to come for my birthday. I'm so excited, you have no idea. Honestly, you've just made my entire week, I'm being serious. I don't really care what you get me, your presence is a present enough as it is. I'm so excited to have you here. Do I know if my family's coming? Still a no in that case. They don't really call me all that often to be perfectly honest. Knowing them though, they'll turn up on the day, complain about the small apartment, give me some unhelpful dating advice and then offer to take me out for dinner. I don't care though, I'll put up with it though if you're there. That makes it all better.

Also, I can't believe that your co-worker knows the Hercules soundtrack. Tell him that he's officially one of my closest friends, despite never having met him. Bring him round, Luke Castellan! I want to meet this man, who is so much more cultured than you are. He sounds like so much fun and I love it. The chaotic energy is strong with this one. I can sense it through the force already.

No, I will not poison you, I'm shocked that you would suggest that. If you talk about me burning the food one more time however, I will attempt to poison you. Or I'll kill you in your sleep. You forget, I am a nurse, so technically I'm medically trained to kill people. It's not a lie. It's the truth. Don't test me.

Just don't tell my professors I said that.

Yes, school is going well. Just handed in yet another essay, and a quiz. But, my modules are a lot of fun and I'm getting really into it. It's weird to think that I'm halfway through the degree. Time sure does fly, but I love it so much. I'm really excited to actually get into nursing once this degree is all finished.

I'm glad you're free for Harry Potter. I'll book tickets when they come out, and then we'll be all set to go! I've got to make you do a sorting hat quiz when you next come round, then we can find out what house you're in. I'm in Ravenclaw, house of the clever, and I'm actually really excited to see which one you're in!

Anyway, stay safe and try and get some more rest. I don't want you too tired when you come here next. I would like to spend some quality time with my very awake boyfriend. I miss you,

Ellie xx

"They seem like a very cute couple is Arabella's letters are anything to go by." Percy placed the letters into the read pile. It was slowly getting bigger, but there were still more to read through.

Annabeth was still holding onto the photo of Arabella and Luke.

"They really do." She smiled sadly down at the happy couple. The way they looked at each other was romance novel worthy, but it seemed so cruel that this was the circumstances that Annabeth was finding out about Luke's girlfriend. "I can't help but think that the Fates were playing a joke on Luke though."

Percy looked up, raising an eyebrow at his girlfriend.

"He's raising an army for Kronos, all the while, he's got this chance for happiness with Arabella. It's like, the first time he's truly happy, he's in the most dangerous position in his life."

"I can't imagine how he felt when he gave us the key," Percy murmured, not wanting to think of the despair of knowing that you weren't going to live and having to ask someone else to apologise to your girlfriend. "Why didn't he stop? Why didn't he just disappear and go and live out the rest of his days with her? They could have had the potential to be truly happy. I just don't get it."

"Maybe she knows," Annabeth replied. "We're only getting half of the letters, so you have to assume that she kept the others. He might have told her."

"Well, when we meet her, we can ask her,"

"Before or after breaking the news to her that Luke's dead?" They fell into silence, before Annabeth picked up the next letter.


This is once again out early because I can't handle the cuteness that is Ellie and Luke. The next chapter is her birthday and let me tell you, I am HYPED! There's a plan in the making and it's gonna be sooooo good. 

Quick headcanon ; Ellie singing 'I can't say I'm in love' (from the Hercules soundtrack) about Luke as Ethan back up sings as the muses for her :)

Let me know what you think,

Love Li xx

𝐃𝐄𝐀𝐑 𝐌𝐘 𝐁𝐄𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐃 ↦ l. castellanWhere stories live. Discover now