letters twenty-one and twenty-two

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𝐥𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲-𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲-𝐭𝐰𝐨 ─── pets

7th Ave., 3rd September 2009

, 3rd September 2009

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February 17th 2008

𝔇ear My Beloved,

Firstly, the new house is absolutely wonderful. I didn't know that it was possible to get excited over furniture shopping, but it is, and honestly I was so excited to go. I don't know if that makes me old or not? In fact, preferably can you not answer that question, because despite being married to you, for some reason I think you'll choose teasing instead of comforting. 

I just know you that well.

Anyway, my parents called. They asked again if I wanted a divorce, to which I said no, then the asked where I was moving house, which I refused to answer, and then they said if I didn't tell them that they were going to disown me. So, guess who's just got disowned? 

It's me. I got disowned. Not really sure how to feel about that to be honest, at this current point in time, I just feel very numb to all of this.

In other news, Ava and Iris called, they want to know if you're available for dinner on my birthday, so that we can kind of celebrate everything all at once. I didn't know if your work would allow it, but I've said yes on the basis that you are most likely around. Oh, and on a completely unrelated topic, can we get a pet?

It just gets really lonely in the house without you, and I kind of want something to come back to (when you're on the other side of the country). Is it bad that I also want to scare Ethan with a pet. Do you think we could get a snake just for that reason? Plus, snakes are so cute. They're like, little tiny scaly babies. But, that is the plan. I didn't tell you about it when we last spoke.

I tell you what, it's getting kind of funny. You remember that I told you how my friends reacted to me saying I was married, well it was my professors turn this week. They said that I'd put the wrong name on the paper that I submitted, and that it said Castellan instead of Carter, and I told them that I was married. You would have thought that I had said I was moving across the world. It brought me great joy so yeah.

Speaking of school, will you come to my graduation? I want to ask Ethan as well, but you're more organized than he is, so you'll know if you're doing something. I'm graduating May 18th, and we can go out for a nice dinner afterwards (maybe without Ethan. Just you and I on a date night? Just a thought).

Okay, well I will speak to you soon, miss you,

Love Ellie xx

February 27th 2008

Dear My Beloved,

Okay, you, Ethan and I should be called the Disowned Kids Club. Let's make badges. Don't tease me, you know that it's true and kind of funny. Though, I can't decide whether I like the Disowned Kids Club or the Marauders more. Have you got any other suggestions?

I did assume that you were going to be here for my birthday, that's why I said yes, so that should be fun. Plus sometimes I think you only come so that you can see Mia. I said it once, and I'll say many more times, you are so good with kids, it's adorable.

Maybe is not a no to getting a pet. Come on, I'll take you to the shelter when you get home so that we can look at the pets. They're so cute. Honestly, almost as adorable as you, but not quite. Your comment about Ethan getting along with the snake is true. He is one, and I still have not forgiven him for his comment about Ratatouille. Is there any way to disown him? Or are we now stuck with a Ratatouille hating friend? What kind of person hates films about food!

Speaking of films, are we going back to normal movie nights soon? I have some more films to show you that are coming out in the summer. There's Iron Man, Dark Knight, Kung Fu Panda, another Narnia movie (we still need to watch the first one) and a movie called Mamma Mia, which we're watching with Ethan. Ask him if he knows who ABBA are. 

Do you know who they are?

Also, yes! I'm so excited to have you at my graduation. You just have to remember to dress up smart, like suit smart. Which is good for me, because you look great in a suit. I married you so I can definitely say that, try me. 

Anyhow, see you soon and I'm really, really excited!

Love Ellie xx

"They got married?" Annabeth stuttered out, turning to face Percy, who's eyes had also gone wide in shock. Both paled simultaneously. "Luke was married?"

"Why are you looking at me for? I don't know anything," Percy replied, shaking his head as the pair struggled to wrap their heads around the idea. "Man, Luke got married?"

"He married Ellie." They both shared a glance with one and other, before groaning and sighing.

"Why do the Fates hate us?"

"I've been asking myself the same question,"

"We've got to go and tell her that her husband's dead!" Annabeth replied, rubbing her hand down her face. "Next thing you know, they're gonna have a kid together."

"Annabeth, please don't jinx it!" Percy cried, as he grabbed the next letter. Both of them immediately reached out, tapping the closest wooden object near to them.


So, Percy and Annabeth are straight up not having a good time, but Luke and Ellie are adorable and totally cute. Ellie's still not over Ethan dissing Ratatouille, and they've got graduation and a family dinner together. Also, we will have a chapter of Ethan and Ellie singing Mamma Mia at Luke. I promise you,

Let me know what you think,

Love Li xx

𝐃𝐄𝐀𝐑 𝐌𝐘 𝐁𝐄𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐃 ↦ l. castellanWhere stories live. Discover now