v. home cooking

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𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐟𝐢𝐯𝐞 ─── home cooking

Flatbush Ave., August 26th 2006

"𝔏uke! It's been a while, hasn't it?" Arabella grinned up at Luke, opening the door further to let the tall man into her apartment

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"𝔏uke! It's been a while, hasn't it?" Arabella grinned up at Luke, opening the door further to let the tall man into her apartment. He grinned sheepishly, stepping into the sunlit room and taking his shoes off. The apartment was miraculously cool, despite the heat, and a nice breeze was whistling through the rooms.

"Yeah. I'm sorry about that. How have you been?" Arabella let the door slam shut, motioning for Luke to follow her into the kitchen. There were pots bubbling on the stove, and a bag of popcorn and other sweets on top of the microwave.

"Good, good. I had a lot of university work to go through before school starts again, and then I've been working. What about you?" Luke shrugged his shoulders, hovering by the girl as she stirred a bubbling pot.

"I'm alright, I suppose. What are you making?" He changed the subject quickly, leaning over her shoulder to look into the pots with a questioning expression. It had been a while since he had eaten home cooked food that wasn't brought to him by a nymph, and he was excited to try it.

"Pasta Carbonara." Arabella explained as Luke hummed and licked his lips. He'd been so busy trying to locate a ship that he couldn't remember the last time that he had eaten properly. His stomach was curling in on itself at the thought of eating.

"I haven't had pasta in a long time." Arabella turned to look at him with raised eyebrows.


"Yeah. Where I was staying, pasta wasn't top on the menu. I haven't eaten it since I was last at my mom's..." Luke began to speak, before trailing off into a faint mumble. Arabella turned to look at him, noticing the conflicted look on his face and deciding to try and change the subject as quickly as possible.

"Well, then I hope this lives up to what you can remember. How far are you into the book?" Luke nodded, a smile finally reappearing on his face as he brought a book out of the bag and put it on the counter.

"I finished it," Arabella grinned, as he leant back against the fridge and watched her add cream to another pot.

"Did you enjoy it?"

"It was good. Haven't read a book in a while and it was nice to read again," Luke's eyebrows furrowed as he thought of something. "I don't get how Voldemort was possessing Quirrel's body though. It doesn't sound realistic at all. Like, why would someone allow something so evil to possess your body?"

She laughed, shaking her head as she shrugged.

"I don't know. He was probably manipulated into doing Voldemort's wishes," He grinned, before she pushed him towards the book shelf. "The next one's up there. Chamber of Secrets, the one with the light green spine. What do you want to watch tonight?"

She took the pasta off the stove, draining it as Luke shrugged, already engrossed in reading the blurb.

"I don't know that many films, so, you can pick," Arabella rolled her eyes, putting the sauce and vegetables back into the pot. "What? I don't."

"That's not helpful. I'm a very indecisive person, Luke." Luke was putting the book back into his bag, as she began to serve up. "Just, go and find one with a pretty cover and we'll watch that or we can watch the next Harry Potter movie."

Luke wandered over to her DVD collection, sitting down in front of it as he began to flick through the one's that she owned. Moments later, Arabella joined him with the food and snacks in her hands, placing it all on the coffee table as she watched Luke struggle to work out how to use a DVD player.

"Hey, press this button here, put the CD in and voila!" Arabella explained, as she flicked the TV on. It began to whir to life as the Warner Bros. logo popped up on screen.

Luke's eyes grew wide, before he shuffled back onto the sofa and the pair settled in to watch the movie.


Bright light filtered onto Arabella's face as the curtains blew back and forth in the summer breeze. The girl huffed, rolling over and trying to hide her eyes from the light. Blinking slowly, she froze as she found Luke's face across from her. Her eyes went wide, faltering for a moment, before she tried, as stealthily as she could manage, to maneuverer her way off of the couch without waking him.

In the early morning haze, Luke didn't look as troubled as he normally did. His hair seemed to have been dipped in gold, his skin glowing and the scar was barely visible. He seemed, in a way, to look like some statue of an old Greek God. Arabella shook her head, backing away.

A familiar feeling was stirring in her stomach, one that she hadn't felt in a long time but she couldn't allow herself to feel it. Having a crush on Luke, who was her friend, was not a smart idea. She would end up getting hurt.

Turning away from his form, she switched the TV off and started to quietly clear the plates and snacks from the coffee table, anything to take her mind off of the man behind her. He shifted in his sleep, but didn't wake, as if to remind her that he was still here.

Placing everything in the kitchen, Arabella took a quick shower and began to make breakfast for the two of them. She moved quickly and quietly, trying not to look back at Luke's sleeping form, fearing that her stomach would start to flutter in that annoying way again.

As soon as she started cooking the bacon, a sleepy Luke padded into the kitchen, ruffling his hair. He yawned, as Arabella placed a plate of food in front of him and grinned at his sleepy demeanour that was all too adorable.

"Morning, Sleeping Beauty," Luke looked up.

"Who?" Arabella's face dropped.

"We're having a Disney movie night next time you come," Luke nodded, even though he had no idea what this 'Disney' thing was.

"Okay," He tucked into the food, before checking the time and standing back up.

"You're leaving?" Luke nodded, pulling his jacket and shoes back on.

"If I could stay, I would," He explained briefly, grabbing the bag from the floor as Arabella handed him a bagel. "But, I've got to get back to work again."

"I'll send you a letter," She smiled over at him, as he grinned back at her.

"I'll visit soon," Luke promised, taking a bite out of the bagel. "Thanks for the food, but next time, it's my turn."

"Got it," She opened the door for him. "Have fun with whatever you're doing."

"I won't," Luke stepped out of the door, before waving back at her and disappearing from view.

Arabella watched him go, before turning around and closing the door, cursing to herself. Reaching into her pocket, she picked up her phone and dialled in her best friend's number.

"Emily. I've got a problem." The girl on the other end hummed. "I think I've got a crush."



So, first of all, Luke literally has no normal experiences cause he's been at Camp and on the run for pretty much all of his life. Also, he and Arabella are adorable and I love that she's worried about having a crush.

Let me know what you think,

Love Li xx

𝐃𝐄𝐀𝐑 𝐌𝐘 𝐁𝐄𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐃 ↦ l. castellanWhere stories live. Discover now