letters twenty-five and twenty-six

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𝐥𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲-𝐟𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲-𝐬𝐢𝐱 ─── strange feeling

7th Ave., 3rd September 2009

, 3rd September 2009

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20th August 2008

𝔇ear My Beloved,

So, Beans are getting heavier now and let me tell you, that I don't like it. Also, I don't know whether to call them Beans or by names and it's confusing me. Iris says that she still calls Mia, Peanut, so I think that I'm in the clear and won't give them an identity crisis. That would not be good at all.

I enrolled Alabaster back into school by the way, despite a lot of complaining. He thinks that because he's fifteen, that means he can go out and hunt monsters and help you. I told him that he couldn't, that you would agree with me, and that he's not allowed to drop out. So, when you get home, just reiterate that point. You know how much that boy looks up to you and Ethan. Anyway, he's starting school soon, so how often do you think I'll get the 'you must have had him young' statement. I've already been getting that at work from the patients.

You know Alabaster and I went to the mall, and a man walked up to me and said that I had a cute son. Do I really look that old?

In other news, Cai has decided that barking at the outside is also a good way to pass the time. I'd be fine if he did that during the day, when Ethan's sleeping, and in Ethan's room, but he's doing it at really odd hours of the night. It's confusing all of us. What do you think?

Anyway, please stay safe at work. I know that this whole thing is stressing you out, but it's going to all work out in the end, you'll see. Oh, and I'm having dinner with Iris and Ava in a few days time, just in case you come back early.

Lots of love and missing you dearly,

Ellie and Beans xxxx

30th August 2008

Dear My Beloved,

Cai's still barking at random hours at the night and it's putting all three of us on edge, and yeah, someone outside the house is what we thought as well, but no matter how much we check there's no one there. Anyway, Ethan and Alabaster are trailing me like tails now, which is sweet, but overbearing. They said that you put them up to this, and you threatened 'on pain of death'.

If you don't tell them to stop trailing me, the only one who's going to be in a body bag is you. I need some space from you boys. Don't worry though, my friends have been keeping a close eye on me as well.

Also, had to start getting Alabaster school supplies. You think that I'd told him that I was sending him away by the look on his face, but good news is that I'm resistant to puppy eyes, so that's a bonus.

Oh, and Emily says that you and I need more photos together, because we only have like seven. So, she wants to know when you're back so that we can have some photos take.

Another thing, don't worry about Beans! They're good, healthy, happy and kicking so there's no problem. Ethan came with me to the doctors appointment in your place, and he was so excited about it. Honestly, it was adorable. But not the same as having my lovely husband with me.

I miss you and I'll see you when you get back,

Lots of love, 

Ellie and Beans xxx

"Who's Cai?"

"Who are Beans?"

"Alabaster went to school?"

"What is going on?" Annabeth finished, as Percy and her rubbed their heads in unison. "I feel like we're missing something key here and as soon as we find it out, everything is going to make sense."

"Yeah, but this is just getting more and more confusing," Percy replied, running a hand through his hair. "My brain is so incredibly fried, especially after the past few weeks, it's unreal."

"I know what you mean," Annabeth shrugged. "But there aren't that many letters left, luckily."

"That's a relief, but you do realize what happens when we reach the end of the letters?" Annabeth looked at Percy with a raised eyebrow. "We've got to tell her that Ethan and Luke are dead."


Alabaster and Ellie are the mother son pair that I needed, and Ethan is so protective over her as is Cai and someone's stalking Ellie. Let me know who you think it is. Not much in this chapter, but next chapter....all I'll say is that it's a roller coaster of emotions.

Let me know what you think and thanks for reading,

Love Li xx

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