xviii. hospitals

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𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐞𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧 ─── hospitals

Soho, 22nd December 2007

Soho, 22nd December 2007

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"ℌey, Bells, what about this?" Arabella looked up at her closest friend, Emily, who was holding a dress up. She narrowed her eyes. "For you, not me! It's not my style."

"Woah, it's cute." Arabella picked the dress from her friend's hand. Emily and her had met on the first day of college, having been roommates. Where Arabella had been more reserved, Emily was a social butterfly and the two had been close friends ever since then. "How much."

"$30. So, it's not going to break the bank."

"That's true." Arabella nodded. "I think I'll buy it."

"For the anniversary with the boyfriend." Emily wiggled her eyebrows, before cooing as her friend went bright red. "You two are so cute. I cannot believe that he asked you out on New Years Day after kissing you when the ball dropped."

"It was an in the moment thing." Arabella muttered, before smiling. "But I'm a bit worried for him. I haven't heard from him in a bit, and I know his jobs stressful and all."

"What does he do again?"

"Owns a company in the private security sector."

"Damn, you couldn't be more well protected if you tried." The two women laughed, before paying for their clothes as they left the building. "You know, I love our late Christmas shopping day. It's so nice when everything hits the sale."

"It really is." Arabella hooked her arm through her friends. "Have you done that assignment for anatomy due in after Christmas?"

"Bells, please. When have I ever started an assignment if not 12 hours before it's due?" Arabella rolled her eyes. Where she got her essays done early, Emily left it till the last possible moment. Apparently, she worked best under stress. Arabella thought it was bullshit. "It's not gonna be that hard. Anatomy is my forte."

"Yeah, but Emily, this one would be out of the way and no stress." Arabella tried to reason before her phone started to buzz in her pocket. "Hang on a second."

Pressing the accept button, Arabella put the phone to her ear as she giggled at Emily's face.


"Hi, is this Arabella Carter?" 

"It is. Who's speaking?" 

"My name is Doctor James Monroe." Arabella went pale, her hands starting to shake as she immediately thought of the worst case scenarios. "You're the emergency contact for Luke Castellan. He's just been brought into the hospital alongside someone named Ethan Nakamura."

"Which hospital?" She wasn't sure how she managed to say anything, considering she was struggling to breathe. 

"New York Presbyterian." 

𝐃𝐄𝐀𝐑 𝐌𝐘 𝐁𝐄𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐃 ↦ l. castellanWhere stories live. Discover now