Chapter 46/Sleeping Beauty

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On The Ground- Rosé (of Blackpink)

***Present Time***

Caroline POV

"Your wish is my command Caroline Forbes." Pierre then placed his lips on mine kissing them gently as I kissed him back. I didn't want to, but I had to keep my actual intentions hidden. Suddenly, I felt a heat creep onto my lips from his I stopped moving my lips as this heat was unexpected and I didn't know how to react to it. After the heat stopped I started to get a wild headache and opened my eyes fiercely. Pierres eyes were still closed as our lips had finally disconnected. I was in utter shocked at the scene unfolding. A bright sunlight sprang from Pierre's heart as my headache got worse and my eyes grew wide.

"Pierre, what-what is going on?" I said almost scared.

"I am turning you back into a human Caroline." He said as I could tell he was focusing hard. His eyes then opened in a flash and his green eyes glowed brighter than ever. "Don't be scared." He softly, touching my arms gently and I felt myself calm down. "I know it hurts CareBear. So just close your eyes. Just fall into a peaceful sleep. It will all be over soon darling." My eyes grew heaving and I shut them listening to Pierres words.

Klaus POV

I rushed upstairs worried about Caroline. I have never seen a light like that before. What could Pierre be doing to Caroline? I used my vampire speed to get to her faster.

"Caroline!" I shouted her name as I burst through Pierre's door. Pierre stood in a suit looking down at Caroline as she laid limp in his arms. In an instance my eyes turned red as I was blinded with rage. "What the hell did you do to her!?" I yelled with a loud growl.

"Nik she is okay she is just sleeping!" Pierre said quickly as I could tell he was terrified. I breathed slowly as I noticed her skin wasn't gray and veining like it usually is when a vampire dies.

"What-what is happening to her?" I asked more curious now.

"Is everything okay? What was that light?" Claire asked Elijah following in after her. Pierre then walked Caroline over to his bed and laid her down gently her curls looking more beautiful than ever and her skin flawless like always. Her perfect pink lips were pressed together as she laid quietly sleeping soundly.

"Caroline is in the transition of turning human." Pierre looked at her longingly.

"Human? Caroline is going to be human?" I asked shocked. I never knew Caroline wanted to even be human.

"What do you mean? How could Caroline become human?" Elijah asked stepping closer to Pierre, his hands in his pockets. Pierre turned his head slowly and his eyes shot lasers into Elijah's.

"Why are you asking?" Pierre said. "You clearly already know." Elijah stepped back. "You were never good at hiding your emotions Elijah." Pierre said smirking. "Claire must have told you." Pierre looked at Claire and Claire avoided eye contact. "Look me in the eye little sister." Claire looked at him. "I knew it. You were there when the Fairy King died. I didn't think you would remember." Pierre tilted his head at her.

"And I didn't think you were this good at using your Emotions. What can you read minds now too?" Claire rolled her eyes clearly annoyed.

"With how easy you both are to read I might as well be able to."Pierre said gesturing to Elijah and her.

"Would you two stop your sibling bickering and tell me what is happening to Caroline." I asked them both.

"I have the power to save one person from death. Saving a life, you may put it." Pierre said. "Caroline is a vampire therefore...with a little loop hole magic I saved her from death." Pierre tucked a hair around Carolines ear, and I had to fight the urge to rip his hand off from his arm. "Caroline is in the transition of becoming a human." He stated looking up at me with a blank expression.

"Caroline wanted to become human?" I asked.

"She practically begged me to turn her back into a human." He told me. "Maybe you two are not as similar as you thought NiKlaus."

I furrowed my eyebrows as I didn't know any of this. I wish she would have told me. Maybe I could have found a way to make her human without involving Pierre.

"She will be out for a few days as her body needs rest. It takes a lot of energy for her to go through this process." Pierre said walking out. "I got to get some shut eye too. I am exhausted after performing that much magic." Elijah and Claire left the room as well as I was now alone with Caroline. We were finally alone. The last time we were alone like this we were fighting and I left her, making her cry.

Caroline will be human once she wakes up. She won't be able to protect herself. She will be more fragile than before. She is now completely vulnerable. She could choke on a seed. Get in a car accident. Fall off a cliff. Starve to death. Bleed out. She doesn't have the same perks that she had before when she was a vampire.

I pulled up a chair and sat next to the bed and reached for her hand. I put my other hand on top of it as I worried so bloody much about her.

I love her so much I can't bare to let her be in any kind of danger.

Unexpectedly, I felt Caroline's hand squeeze mine. I darted my blue eyes up to her's wondering if  she already woke up. Her eyes were still closed. I let out a breath of disappointment.

I will wait for you Caroline Forbes. I will wait for however long it takes. I will always be by your side until the day you wake up. I will never leave you. I have a lifetime of eternity to wait for you so I will be here My Love. Always Caroline Forbes. I will always love you forever.



First Chapter of the Series Finale finally finished. I am exhausted. I did overtime at work and can not wait to get some shut eye.

Hope you enjoy the first chapter the Series Finale!

I'm going to cry once this series is actually over.... :(

Don't forget to...





Love you all my Beautifuls!


Nellie Raye

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