Chapter 41

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Fantasia- Monsta X

Caroline POV

After I touched Pierre I told him goodbye and went inside, to the comfort of my home.

It's not that I suddenly felt uncomfortable around Pierre...

It's that I felt too comfortable around him.

I don't know if it is because we bonded so much doesn't feel like that. This feeling is different.

It is almost like it is magical.

However, Pierre did just use his powers on me. That could also be it.

Pushing all thoughts of Pierre aside I decided to make myself some tea then head to bed.

I walked into my small kitchen as memories of my Mother and I run rampant through my mind.


"Mommy this is so much fun!" I said happily.

"We will do this every Tuesday then." My Mom smiled back at me. "It will be our taco Tuesday."

"And Daddy will come too!" I said sprinkling cheese on my taco.

Suddenly, I heard a knife slam on the counter.

"Mommy?" I questioned quietly a little scared.

"He won't be joining us Honey." My Mom stated sternly.

"But...why?" I asked. "I miss Daddy. I haven't seen him in a long time." I said sadly.

"I know Honey, but he is gone. You will see him later on, but for now...Daddy needs some alone time." My Mother explained to me.

I pouted quietly. I felt my Mother place her hand on my small one.

"It's okay Baby." I looked up at her. "You got me. I will always be here for you."


"Where are you now then?" I said quietly pouring tea into a mug.

"What do you mean?"

"Mom?" I turned around quickly seeing my mom standing in the doorway of the kitchen and like always she was wearing her Sheriff uniform.

"Hi Honey." She said nonchalantly and walked over to the stove. "Mmm I want to have some."

I guess it is expected that she is acting nonchalantly. She doesn't know anything that is going on lately.

"It's nice to see you." I spoke watching her make her tea. "You are home early tonight." I said more like a question than a statement.

"Oh yeah..." My mom stirred her tea slowly and turned around to face me. "I have some bad news...well I mean there is good news, but also bad news."

"Uh..okay. What is it?" I said sipping my tea.

"Well...I have been promoted."

"Promoted! That's great!" I said smiling widely. "What's the bad news?" I asked as I furrowed my eyebrows.

"I am going to be stationed up north."

"How up north are we talking?"

"Out of Mystic Falls." My mother stated searching my face for answers.

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