Chapter 33

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Almost Love- Sabrina Carpenter

Caroline POV

Oh my god.

Oh my god.

Oh my god.

I didn't look at Claire, even though it was her fault. I looked at Klaus and waited to see what he was going to do. I wasn't sure what he was going to do honestly.

It could be one, killing Claire.

Two, killing Pierre.

Three, killing both.


Klaus wouldn't hurt me...would he?

I look at his eyes and it is as if they turned black. The beautiful shade of blue that is usually in his eyes had turned dark dark blue, almost black. I had to do something, but I didn't know what.

"Klaus." I said his name quietly. You would of thought no one would hear me because of how low I said his name, but it was dead silence in the house that everyone heard me.

Loud and Clear.

Klaus slowly turned his head towards me as I was almost scared to see what he was going to do.


He did nothing.

He said nothing. He didn't make an action.


"Um..Klaus we should talk about this in private." I practically said it like a question as I looked around the room with everyone's eyes on Klaus and I.

He didn't say anything to me or anyone else he only walked out of the room and up the stairs. I looked at everyone before following him.

Claire kept her chin up like this wasn't her fault at all. I looked a Kol who seemed very amused with the situation. Matt looked terrified probably regretting this entire thing. Rebekah looked at me with a somewhat scared look, but she looked like she enjoyed watching me mess it up with her dear brother.  Elijah gave me a nod as in a way to tell me I should hurry to Klaus before something else happens. Lastly I looked a Pierre, his green eyes sadly looked into my blue ones.

I was angry, but I didn't know who I was angry with.





I stopped stalling and finally went to Klaus's room. I went up the stairs honestly not knowing what to say. I went through his door way and closing the door behind me.

He was standing in front of his window with his hands at his sides. I took a deep breath before beginning. I take a step closer.

"Klaus I would like the chance to explain." I told him.

"Well that is what we are doing here yes?" He said then turned around. His eyes were still black. Which meant he was still furious. "You are here to explain to me that you are in love with Pierre Williams." He rose an eyebrow at me and I looked down shamefully. "I don't think there is much to explain. After your little trip to France and in the what..thirty minutes of being with him you realized you are in love with him." He spits at me and I almost wanted to cry. I hated that I hurt Klaus. I never want to hurt him. "How long have we known each other?" He asked me. I look up at him. "Almost two years Caroline. Almost Two years." He finishes staring at me dead in the eyes.

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